Ugh. My stomach hurts so much. ><;; I really hope the pills my doctor gave me will start helping eventually...
Anyway, time to recap the last few days~
Friday: I babysat for the first time this summer on Friday. I basically got paid $40 to sit and play video games for six hours. XD
After that, I went home and hung out with my sister and cousin since he came over yet again. He's been visiting us a lot this summer. We spent most of the night just playing video games and watching TV. XD;
Saturday: I had to work 10:00-2:45 on Saturday. I hadn't worked a 10am shift in a while, so getting up for it was not fun. ><; Work itself wasn't bad though. I saw
robotmonkey88 while I was there. I also saw my old Italian teacher. She came through my line, and I recognized her right away. I didn't say anything to her though because I figured she wouldn't have any idea who I was. I took Italian with her in 4th-6th grade, so it was quite a while ago. Anyway, after I rung her order, she looked at me and asked if she knew me. o.o I told her she did, and she asked where she knew me from. We ended up talking for a little while about the classes and stuff. It was kinda fun getting to talk to her.
Not much else happened on Saturday... until Matt called me again. 21 minutes and 35 seconds ♥ The call was so much fun. I loved it~
Sunday: I had to work at 10am again on Sunday. Three days in a row of waking up early ended up really hurting me later that night. Around five or six, I suddenly felt exhausted. Really exhausted. I decided to take a nap around seven or so, but when I woke up, I didn't feel much better. I even ended up getting offline before nine. I tried so hard to get to sleep, but I couldn't. ><; I feel asleep around 11:30...
Monday: I had to wake up early again yesterday. 8:00 early. x_x I was supposed to be babysitting, but once I woke up, I found out that the mother of the kids I watch was sick, so I didn't have to go. I woke up at 8am for nothing. ><; I wasn't actually that tired though. I didn't do much of anything all day though, so I was able to relax a bit.
Today: I had to wake up early, yet again, today. Luckily I get to sleep in tomorrow. I refused to let my sister come with me to babysit, so I had fun. XD We basically just played video games again though. I love getting paid to do that! And the kids are nice, so that makes it even better. After lunch, we went swimming in their pool. It got into the 90s today, so swimming was a must~
I really need to start updating this thing daily or every other day or something. Once a week is getting annoying. XD