Yay, duckies! ♥

Jun 15, 2007 23:04

So, Wednesday I went to the doctor. She had no idea what my problem was either, heh. Oh well. I'm going to a lab to get some blood taken tomorrow morning. Hopefully one of the things they're testing for will be what's causing these stupid stomach cramps. ><; Other than that, the doctor visit went well. I still somehow have perfect vision. ♥ And in the last year, I lost 10 pounds. Haha. Now I'm down to 101~

On Thursday, Linda came over. ♥ She wanted to play FF8 once again, so we did. And omgomgomg! I *finally* got to disk three! I am so proud of us. It took so much teamwork. XD My cousin is happy now though because this means he can have his copy of the game back. I've only had for like... a year. XD;

After that, I had to take Kellie to the orthodontist. So boring, omg. x_x It was supposed to be a half hour appointment... but it ended up taking an hour. My MP3 player's battery was dead, so I could even listen to music. It sucked. x_x

I spent most of this afternoon cleaning my room. :O! Shocking, I know. It needed to be done though. If my arm isn't completely numb tomorrow, I'll probably work on it some more. We'll see. I'm so proud of myself though! I can actually see my floor!

I had to work for the first time in like, two weeks tonight. It wasn't so bad. Interesting night, really. The store was incredibly quiet. Probably due to the nice weather and everything. But anyway, about halfway through my shift, I reached into my pocket to pull out a pen so I could sign something. I didn't notice right away, but the pen had exploded. My hand ended up COVERED in blue ink. ><; I tried my best to wipe most of it off, but that failed. So I asked if I could just have my break right then so I could wash it off. What a fun way to spend my break. XD; I scrubbed my hands for about ten minutes, and it still didn't come completely off. My hands were really dry from that point on too. ><;;

As I was leaving work, I stopped at the desk to get my check. Then I overheard everyone talking about some drunk lady that was outside the store. o.o When I walked out, I saw this SUV had driven right into a railing that divided the parking lot from the store sidewalk. o.o;; 'Twas interesting. Hopefully they got that all sorted out...

And when I got home, I found that my package had come! sojaro sent me a random gift. Duckies! I was only expecting a pink rubber ducky, but no! I got a blue one too! Yay! You won't see this for a few days yet, but thank youuuu! ♥♥

And I'm probably going to go to bed in few. Not because I'm tired, because I'm so bored. x_x

cleaning, ducks, kellie, ffviii, doctor, work, letter

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