Nov 28, 2005 01:46
My moms car tops out at 100 and the engine starts to give in, give out, give in, give out. Like its looking for another gear to go faster in, to do better in, but its just not there. It wasnt built for that, so why am I trying to make it do it? Because I find it fun, because there is nothing better to do. Because I can't stand the thought of anyone being able to put limits on my life, other than me. I don't care if anyone thinks thats stupid, I could care less. I feel the same way, I need something more in my life, something to fulfill my urges and my wants and needs. I'm tired of this slow, everyday life. Time is killing me, and I know theres only so much more of it in my way. Theres not alot of options for me, I could you know start busting my ass for school, and turn my life around, quit with my bad habits and start anew. I could care about things like that. I could wish the best for my life. I could give a shit about my future but I Why can't people understand that? Doesnt what you want matter more than what other people do about you? Doesn't it matter more that I don't want to do something than if parents, teachers etc want me to? Why do they have the right to control what I do. Why does the government have the right to tell me I have to go to school, when in all they are doing nothing for me. Shouldn't it be an option? Why is there a government to tell me I can't drive until I'm 16, because they are an overwhelming monopoly and they control the land. Why should they be able to tell me what I have to do with my life. Why should anyone be able to tell me what I can do with my life. If i'm old enough to ask these questions, how old do they have to be to answer them. How can you set an age limit on drinking and smoking. Isn't it my body? I'm pretty sure i'm paying the consequences, not them. Where does someone that has never met me, and never will have the righ to tell me what and what not to do. How would the president feel if I went and told him he couldnt sit and drink beer at his ranch. How would thomas jefferson feel if I told him he couldnt go off and fuck all his slaves like he did. What would happen if i told abraham lincoln that it was wrong to fuck men. If you don't want rules to be broken, don't make them. Why do teachers complain about there students when they knew when they went on to the job that that would be there job, to make sure each and every fucked up kid learns your curriculum. Where did I sign up to learn this bullshit. Who the fuck decided I needed to learn these formulas and the history of these old men. Those people are dead, I'm alive. What they did doesnt change what I do. There body is worms now, how is wasting time in my living life on them helping me. Especially when I don't want to know. Where the fuck did anyone get to think they had the right to decide what every person needs to learn. To be "well rounded" to be a "good person" when everyones definitions of those two things are different. How can there be one single full purpose. Just cause my parents fucked and i came out of my moms kooch 8 months later means that they have the right to control me? Just cause two people wanted to fuck, we have to live 18 years as slaves? Don't tell me its right because everyone has to go through it. Every black person that came to this country was bought, but i bet they didnt sit around there farms and say " its ok i'm a slave, cause all these other niggers are too". What the fuck. Where do I get a say in this. Until I am 18 years old, until i've wasted a fourth of my life, i cannot make a difference and anyway, because i am not 18. You can't be president till your 35? Why is that? do your nuts have to sag 6 inches before there gonna let you do that? wtf. I can't make a difference until i'm 18, and even then I'm not going to. Go through 12 years of school and get told to be doctors lawyers professors cops astronauts and other things then when were 18 we go out on the street and they say to get a job but we can only get hired and bullshit fast food places restraunts and retail stores. We can't get a job that pays more than 30k a year because we havnt payed to sit and listen to someone for 4 more years of our lives. bullshit. What kind of fucked up world are we living in where we pay easily 20k a semester to sit and listen to someone talk to us, and write on pieces of paper, just because its a "higher education". Ever heard of "the best things in life are free" well they sure don't help me believe that. For us to make any money in our lives, we have to spend 100k on a 4 year education to be intelligent enough to do our jobs. It takes phsycologist ATLEAST 8 years of there lives, just to get a piece of paper that says they can tell people whats wrong with them legally. Who made up these rules and why do we have to follow them. It's only going to get worse for future generations. People are going to get tired of listening to what dead people want them to do eventually, and there is going to be a reformation. I hope to hell it happens in my lifetime, and with this war and many other circumstances to spark it it just might. There are so many things wrong with the way we live if you sit and think about it for a minute and we just walk past it everyday and do what everyone is telling us, yet all of us say we are trying to "think for ourselves". It is impossible to think for yourself when everything you do is because someone told you to do it. Why do kids do drugs? because its the one thing everyoens telling them not to. Why do kids fuck? cause there not supposed to. Why do we do these little petty things our parents think are so wrong? because everything else in our life we think sucks like school is taught to us to be right. How the fuck is school right when we dread it everyday. You ever been high? how can someone tell you thats wrong if it feels that good. You ever fucked? how is that wrong when it feels so right. Now how is school the right thing to do when i wakeup every morning, and i know alot of other people do, and say fuck this i hate school. I'm not sayin we could change anything, but if everyone would grow some testicals we could sure piss alot of peopel off. You know what the seniors should have done after bs sophomore hell week? not went to school. That would have put the school out of thousands of dollars, and if everyoen would have done it there is no way they could have punished them all because of how much money it would have cost them. They arent trying to teach us, there more worried about money. Why do they want us to do good on taks? because its where there funding comes from. The state focuses on taks, and where does the schools money come from? the state. Instead of having a "senior skip day" have a "fuck school week" where everyone just didnt come to school. Everyday, central gets payed around 85$, a little less a little more maybe for every student enrolled that day and that comes to school. Say just 2000 students. 17000$ a day, 5 days a week, thats 85000$ that our school just lost. Thats alot of money. Its never going to happen, but thats what would happen if it did. I don't know how to fix anything, but I know how to fuck up whats going on now. Of course you could always burn the bitch down. All together, with the binds on our lives, we do the best we can. Why does anyone care if we do a little drugs and whatever else we do. Who gets that right to say anythign i cant do to myself. Other people getting able to control what I do bothers me so, so much.
that was a bit raw, but i don't give a fuck. It's 1:45 on a school night. Oh no! school! oh god!. ITs so important to your future!
so when you go to sleep everynight, think about your future. Is that future tommorow, or 5 years down the road. For me its tommorow. I care about whats going on now alot more than what is 5 years from now because if I focus on having a good time with my life everyday, how is it ever going to go bad?
oh and don't give me any of those calm down w/e comments. i know you will.
the original so what was by the anti nowhere league, gwar does another so fucking what but it sucks in comparison to this one.