Wily is Not Amused.

May 12, 2009 07:36

[It is a very, VERY hungover Dr. Wily that wakes up and finds himself flat on his back in the middle of... an empty lab. Oh, a familiar lab to be sure- the very one he commandeered previously- but empty in that everything he had built or started to build is missing. The portable generator, the parts he'd gathered or had brought to him, and, well.. his clothes, too.

Luckily for everyone, he does manage to find a lab coat again, at least, and pulls that on and buttons it up. But a quick search in the pockets confirms that one other item is missing: his precious notebook, containing many important and irreplacable notes about a variety of projects and plans... some of which it is critical not fall into the hands of the goodie-goodies. not to mention the diary entries. Where is that white reploid? Where is his army? Why can't he find any damn aspirin?!

So, naturally, that strident old voice, raggedly booms out over the halls once more...]


OOC: Wily's notebook is a free plot mcguffin if anyone wants it. :D It contains technical formulas, Zero's initial idea design notes, a bunch of notes about reploids, a lot of incriminating personal stuff- you name it, it's pretty much in there, since Wily's been carrying it around since before he got to the DR. If it's needed in multiple places at once it might be best to have captured just a single page- perhaps whoever took it tore it up or seperated it deliberately?

vile (i_am_vile), mega man? (nibmobeulb), siarnaq (capslockunoichi), marino (rose_ninja), dr. wily (did_it_for_lulz), dr. light (notwright), lan hikari (best_netop_ever), zero (boobclocks), metalman (009_madeofmetal), snakeman (searchsnakes), heatman (flipmylid)

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