Dec 17, 2011 23:07

NAME: Jill
AGE: 25
JOURNAL: ironjill
IM: Comeherehand
E-MAIL: SephyGirl [@] gmail [dot] com
RETURNING: 3! Tony Stark, Mitchell Hundred, and Oswald Cobblepot

CHARACTER NAME: Jack Hawksmoor, King of Cities
FANDOM: The Authority (Wildstorm/DC)
CHRONOLOGY: What Issue/Episode/Major Event are they coming into the RP from?
CLASS: Hero...ish? The Authority tend to skirt the lines of Anti-hero
SUPERHERO NAME: King of Cities
ALTER EGO: Jack Hawksmoor

The world of the Authority is one where superpowered humans are part of exclusive groups, some who are clandestine, and some who are more public. The Authority themselves, they are the best of the very best in this world. They are the premiere, the top dog of the superhero groups. The place that Jack Hawksmoor plays in both the Authority, and the world, however, begins both in the future and the past. Jack Hawksmoor was a native of New York City, and his life was as normal as one could expect, with a father who abandoned him, and raised by a single mother with his little sister. Jack, however, went through odd things as a kid. Alien abductions, they called it. He’d have dreams and nightmares of his time when he slept, and throughout his childhood and teenage years, as he grew, they experimented, and adjusted. What Jack becomes by the time he’s an adult isn’t exactly human anymore, although he looks the part. His stomach processes pollution instead of food, his heart is a magnet, everything about him is engineered to be a symbiote to the cities he lives within. Without cities, Jack literally dies. He learns later that he was engineered to destroy Kansas City, and when that doesn’t happen, he was to be killed. Traveling with his family to San Francisco, the city itself warns him to get away, tells him to move, and he does, but without his family, resulting in their death. It’s only years later that he learns the city was trying to save them, it was an attempt on his life, by his creators.

His creators, of course, aren’t aliens, they’re from the future, which makes so much more sense, right? The future is made of only cities, spanning the entire globe, and run by the gods of the cities. They want to engineer the world they wish, and through Jack and covert agents, they attempt to enact a plan to destroy all cities in the world, to ensure that the cities will be built around the rubble as they so choose. Across the globe, each city is triggered to blow, but Jack manages to destroy every bomb, only to be faced with one of the gods of the cities itself, of which the only way to truly destroy is to get out of the city. He does, but he’s gravely injured, and outside of the only place he can live. Struggling, he manages to make it out of there alive, but barely, and back into the embrace of the city of Tokyo.

Jack spends time after that as something of a vigilante, the King of Cities, moving between them and through them, an avenger to destroy the monsters and criminals and crooks that each one houses. Until, of course, he’s approached by a fellow named Henry Bendix. There’s a few things to know about Bendix, and the place he fits into this Earth. Bendix was a fellow known as the Weatherman, the owner of Stormwatch, a UN sanctioned Superhuman team based out of a ship hovering over the Earth. The point of Stormwatch was to watch over the Earth and assist in superhuman activity. Jack didn’t spend much time up on the Carrier, a sentient space-vessel, mostly due to the fact that he couldn’t survive, but he joined with Jenny Sparks and Shen Li-Min as a small group otherwise known as Stormwatch Black, an undercover, black ops sort of group. During the time that they were working on this, there was trouble with the group, and eventually, Bendix was presumed dead, and Stormwatch fell into the hands of Jackson King, the new Weatherman. The trio pretty much went on some missions that nobody ever talks about, and after an Alien invasion (in a crossover with the Aliens aliens because why the fuck not?) the UN pulls the funding out from Stormwatch. With Stormwatch removed from the picture, the members of Stormwatch Black, along with a few others, move into the Carrier to do what nobody else can, and become the Authority.

The Authority was a conglomeration of Post-humans, the best of the best. It’s made of Jenny Sparks, a lightning-infused woman also known as the spirit of the 20th century; Shen Li-Min, a Tibetan woman codenamed Swift. There was the Doctor, also known as the Shahman of the world, and the Apollo and Midnighter. Angela Spica, the Engineer; and of course, Jack Hawksmoor, the King of Cities. They took over the Carrier, and soon enough, Kaizen Gamorra (of Clan Gamorra, of the Island of Gamorra) who had been attacked by Stormwatch some time ago began launching attacks in an egotistical rampage across the globe. He cloned his brothers and mother multiple times over, infusing them with superhuman powers, and they attacked Moscow, followed by London, and lastly Los Angeles. The Authority (being it’s first actual disaster) missed Moscow, and barely made it to London, pushing back the forces of Clan Gamorra. They next attacked Los Angeles, and Jack went with the team to help keep the city safe, while another team member destroyed Gamorra Tower. (of Kaizen Gamorra of Clan Gamorra, on Gamorra Island, see the pattern?)

The Authority experienced a series of different incidents after this. Sliding Albion, an alternate Earth where aliens and humans crossbred, and Earth essentially became a breeding colony for these beings. They were running out of room, and attacked Los Angeles. Jack and Midnighter were eventually sent to Sliding Albion, to attack the king of the country, Regis. Jack fell into London, and attacked him from the grounds of the city itself, able to feel every transgression that the "blue", as they were known, had committed in every city all over the alternate Earth. The last mission of the whole, original Authority was an attack by the being that made the Earth the way it was. Or essentially, God. It was attacking the Earth with it’s own organisms, something like a hive-mind creature, and the Authority traveled into the organism on the evening of December 31st, 1999. Jenny Sparks, the spirit of the 20th Century shocked the creature’s brain and killed it, but she also died.

The significance of Jenny’s death was that the Authority, while a budding group of superheroes, didn’t have a leader anymore. Instead of a leader, it was more of a head among equals, and that was Jack Hawksmoor. He was no more a leader than Midnighter, but his ability to speak with politicians and get the point across allowed him to take something of a ‘public head’ for the Authority. In the aftermath of Jenny’s death, they began a campaign of ending human rights violations, and the Authority was skyrocketing in media attention. They were informed that Jenny Sparks wasn’t as dead as others thought, and had been reborn as the spirit of the 21st Century, but a man named Jacob Krigstein kidnapped the baby, and Jack issued an ultimatum, tell them where the child was taken, or he’d let everyone know which US politicians were seeing which hookers. However, Krigstein attacked metropolitan areas all over the world, and with Jack’s unique gifts, he could feel every city under pressure at the same time. They managed to reach an impasse with Krigstein’s forces fighting in all major cities alongside leftovers from Stormwatch, but it was the teammate Shen who came up with the plan to ask Krigstein to join with them, effectively ending the violence.

The world then became under siege by rouge elements, almost as if the earth itself had risen up against it’s inhabitants. After an investigation, it seemed to be a plot by the Doctor’s predecessor, who had been taken down only after destroying large chunks of the world’s population. He was given sixty minutes of power, and Jack eventually pushed him through a "door" to New Mexico, using the city against him. However, it was the Doctor who saved the day, reminding his predecessor of the ancestral memory, and he was rendered helpless by his own guilt over his actions. Many of the missions of this time utilize Jack as the figurehead and leader of the Authority, and his place was more to not necessarily lead his teammates, but instead present the united front for the rest of the world to know who to look to. However, the entire Authority was rocked when they were attacked by the mutated brother of the President, as the political leaders were generally dissatisfied with the Authority’s actions across the globe. After they were taken out by "Seth", a mutated, post-human monstrosity, the Authority members were given new "lives" while a fake, replacement authority took their places. Each member was disabled as best they could (save for the Midnighter, who escaped with the child Jenny) and Jack’s IQ was halved, sent to live on the streets as a homeless beggar, scraping for every scrap of information and memory that he could. It was only after Midnighter attacked the replacement team that the individual members were able to recover their memories and their lives, and thanks to baby Jenny apparently being able to alter reality, she put Al Gore in the oval office, and the six-billion-dollar killer named Seth was no longer a monstrosity, but just a hillbilly.

The Authority then, of course, found themselves in the middle of a battle with foes of any number of interdimensional aims. One was the owner of "vice world", made to be a stop for one to indulge their vices, but Hawksmoor and the gang was able to put an end to that one. The same with Reality Incorporated, essentially an interdimensional corporation nightmare scenario gone wild. It was only after a man was blown up that the team was able to escape.

Over time, the Authority, which had been a barely coherent team led by Jenny Sparks came closer to actually being a family. While Apollo and Midnighter married and adopted the reborn Jenny (spirit of the 21st century), the rest of the team slowly found their place amongst the rest. Jack and the Engineer became closer, while still enjoying a somewhat open relationship. The Doctor became known as something of the outsider (due to his history with drugs) and married a supermodel outside of the team, and Shen remained happily single. The team seemed to grow closer as they made more important decisions that would save the world, especially when they ended lives to save them, and these always weighed particularly heavy on Jack, as he more often than not made the final call on some of the most horrific of decisions. These didn’t stop, unfortunately. The members were each systematically pulled in by a figure known as the Godhead, who created a world religion known as Transcendence, and even Jack was pulled into the neural brainwashing. It was only with the help of the Engineer’s nanites that he was able to recover, and help take care of the Godhead’s subordinates, although it was the Doctor who finally finished off the leader himself.

After this, the Authority begins playing a larger role in the world they live in. Instead of only trying to end regimes run by dictators and despots, and instead of trying to ineffectually ram their heads against the politicians and leaders that continue to fight them every step of the way, the Authority effectively manages a full Coup d'état on the leaders of the US after the president almost starts a war with the "librarians of the universe", and the Authority steps in after a near-war across the bleed, the space between universes. With their hands fully in the way the country is run, the Authority attempts to actively do what they’ve been trying to do all along, and create a better world. Jack assumes the place of the Head of State, President Hawksmoor, if you will. He isn’t a politician by any stretch of the imagination, but instead plays the leader in only the most loose of fashions. He shirks most duties, and sends the other members of the authority out on "peacekeeping" missions, wherein they each have their own ends to achieve. In Jack Hawksmoor’s administration, tax breaks for the wealthy don’t exist, healthcare is given to everyone, and 17.5% of all oil profits go toward the research of alternate energy. This is broken up by the drama between Baby Jenny and her twin who’s resurfaced, turned into the ultimate killer by the Chinese. The twin attempts to alter reality, causing the entire world to shudder, fractures in reality opening, causing mass panic, before they finally end the twin of Jenny. After this, Jack finds a woman dead in Hell’s Kitchen in one of his travels through New York City. An ex, he finds out that she’d been killed by a pimp for trying to improve the lives for the women on the street. Reminded of all the shit he hasn’t been able to fix yet, Jack kills him to leave the people of Hell’s Kitchen to hopefully make things better on their own.

As leaders of the free world, the Authority did their best to try and make the world a better place, but they were stopped short by a group of post humans who were brought out of nursing homes and given new vitality called Paul Revere and the Sons of Liberty, to not only brainwash large groups of people into uprising against their new leaders, but also caused large amounts of chaos and destruction. They destroyed the Doctor’s churches, and this all came to a head when they faced off against the other team one last time, where one of the members was a radioactive powerhouse, and one a small bomb. The two together caused an explosion so large the team was only saved by baby Jenny, who managed to save the people she’d known as family. During the entire course, there had been more and more tension between the Midnighter and Jack, as their conflicting views on how things should be run was brought up more and more as they argued, and when the explosion happened, the other team member left.

Actually, most of the Authority split up. Jack and Angie were the only two left in the Carrier, and Jack began working on his old routine, playing the vigilante route, working within the cities, while still living on what had become his “home” city, the Carrier.

Jack is, in short, a man who does what he must. Like most members of the authority, actually. One of the things that Jack can be known for is a cold callousness. This isn’t out of a general desire to hurt anyone, but Jack Hawksmoor is the kind of person that’s generally very honest, and with that, he sometimes says things he thinks or feels without realizing how much they’ll hurt the people around him. However, Jack is also someone who expects that sort of attitude from the people around him, as well as complete and total excellence. He's someone who fervently believes in what he does, and that the world can be a better place, but with that, he expects others to help make that happen, and is often frustrated when others either refuse or cannot comply. He’s the kind of person that was wholly unsuited for any kind of leadership, and in a way, he doesn’t truly want it. The thing about the Authority is that while he’s something of a defacto head, he is not a Jenny Sparks, he isn’t leading them, but instead he’s really just guiding, and making some of the hard decisions, but respects and wants autonomy for the people he’s with.

Unfortunately, one of the bigger problems with Jack is that he takes so much on himself. He doesn’t only experience the big things that cities feel, but also the smallest, every time someone’s shot or robbed, he feels it, and he has to know which battles to pick, because he can’t be everywhere at once. Jack has experienced and felt this for so long that the big, horrible decisions that he’s made with the Authority are only a drop in the bucket to him, but eventually there’s the potential that the bucket will overfill. Jack sees and feels a lot that should make him question his faith that humanity will do better, and that faith is indeed shaky. However, after what he’s experienced, in seeing that even the Authority with all of their powers, wasn’t able to prevent a large-scale disaster, he also has a shaky faith that they’re able to do really much of anything worthwhile in the world. Where he’s at now, Jack only wants to do the small things, most likely because the chance for failure isn’t there anymore. He’s become more hesitant, and less bombastic by this time, because the incident with the Sons of Liberty happened, the bucket overfilled, and Jack needed to withdraw, and let the responsibility off. The thing about where he’s at now, is that he doesn’t have to worry about the implications of his actions. He can put an end to a street gang, and feel the immediate release of pain and pressure from a city, while what he was trying to do for the entire world was not immediate, but it was far-reaching, but it obviously caused more problems than it solved.

With that in mind, Jack is not the kind of person that generally gives up. Where he’s at now, this is because the Authority essentially set off a radioactive bomb in the middle of Washington DC. He stepped back because that was the only option, despite the consequences it would have in the long run. Jack is simply most comfortable in the Cities, and while he was forced to pull away from the big picture, being a vigilante and running through the streets is where he feels the most comfortable, and it shows. Where Jack is hunched and stiff without a city under his feet, when he is out, moving and running between cities, it’s obvious he’s the most relaxed, and at his happiest.

Jack’s power is literally that he is the king of cities. He is a cityspeaker, homo urbanis, and everything about him was engineered to create a person who has a wholly symbiotic relationship with cities. He absolutely cannot live without cities. To him, they are not merely constructs of cement and metal, but instead feeling, thinking beings, and they bend to his will.

I don’t remember going through the bleed any time recently, in fact, I’m pretty sure I was in this very area of the country, but this isn’t the right city.

Alright, let’s get the awkward shit out of the way, hm? I’m Jack Hawksmoor, and this “City” already told me everything I think I need to know about what’s going on. What I really want to know is how a bunch of superpowered individuals has allowed things to get this bad, and how come nobody in their right mind has actually left? Other than attachment, of course. Not that it wants people to leave, but it would like to go a bit without having more parts of it lopped off.

Just thought I would pass on some friendly advice.

The City, it was called. Male. The skyscrapers that nearly mirrored New York City said enough about that it’s sex, as much as cities had sexes. It didn’t really affect anything, but he still just inherently knew, and there really was no better way to introduce one to a city than by just saying hello. He knelt, feet adjusting slightly to accommodate the action. The ridges on his soles didn’t move like a shoe, or even a foot would. It just gracefully slid, like across sand, instead of concrete. He placed two fingers to the cement, getting a feel for the city beneath him. It sure as hell wasn’t home. New York had a certain feel, to be certain, but the City reflected that in the same way an alternate Earth reflected the one he was from. The difference was in the way it felt about everything. He felt the sour, almost distraught feeling from the moment he’d found himself shocked awake in the room with the odd electronic voice. Even over the idle thought of ‘Angie would have a field day’, there was the knowledge that the city shuddered, and that it did it whenever someone seemed to appear out of thin air.

He asked it to open for him, and why wouldn’t it? Nobody had asked it what it thought about any of this! He felt himself slide inward an inch, before he stopped it. No, not yet. He wanted to see this city in all of its glory. Everything. He let asked it to push him, and his hands reached out, gripping onto a light pole, and then it was to the side of a building, and he scaled up, and up, and up, and with the wind rushing in his face, and the feel of the city beneath him, it could almost feel like home, until he latched himself to the top of a skyscraper, and looked down at the sea of concrete and glass and metal. It was up here that he could actually look out over the city, and he could see and feel why it had shuddered.

Why wouldn’t it when it had such scars across itself? He felt the sickening drop in his stomach, not from looking across the city, despite how it felt about what it had been through. He could sense, somewhere out there, something was going wrong, but where? Could he stop it in time? If he ran, and ran and dove from the top of the highest tower, could he make it? Could he find this infinitesimal place in the middle of a goddamn metropolis he’d never been to, and could he save a life?

Well, there was only one way to find out, wasn’t there?


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