If you liked Coast to Coast you should really listen in to this show. This Sat, 24th, I actually know one of the guests, and I must say, if you care for knowledge about enhancing the powers of the psyche and learning how to be more self-sufficient in the coming times, these people will certainly be eye-openers.
Steve O will be starting his show off with guest Aaron and Jennifer Donahue-Sharpe this Saturday 24th. Join him every Saturday as he covers the dark and mysterious ... kind of like how Coast to Coast AM used to be.
Saturday 1 Dec: Argiris Baltzis and the new video game from Brain Seal
Saturday 8 Dec: History of "In God We Trust" - occult symbolism in US currency
Saturday 15 ..he Internet as NOT the ultimate resource
Saturday 22 Dec: Solstice and the meaning behind the holiday season
Saturday 29 Dec: Psychics bring in their new year predictions and forecasts, discussion on the Mayan calendar
* you might have to insert a break line before the a