Dec 31, 2004 02:29
i went to this party with my sister and evreryone was like over 20 and drunk and stuff. me an dmy little bro went and hes only like 15 or 14 and like he was sooooooooooo sooooo wasted it wasnt even funny i was too but i got over it real fast. the whole thing was just kinda wierd but cool at same time. umm........ tomorrrow is new years and id ont know what the hellim gonna do ig uess il drink again.?! it was weird though cause its kinda hard lol without like ur friends there and stuff but w/e... umm there was abunch of ugly girls but thats pretty normal. ummm so ya im out of town i wish i could bein el paso during new years but its tight to be here in mcallan which is close to south padre island and all that...........
so ya lates guys happy new years and all that jazzzzzzz o ya i drove home cause i was the only one like sober enough and i went to restroom when i got home and got out of restroom and my sister and the car are gone.... so its like omfg shes so stupid hope she doesnt get in wreck. latas