man!! I'm fucking hungry!!!!

Apr 01, 2006 04:30

So... my vacation is over and i'm back for good... well for awhile anyway. Just got done riding in a car for 12 hours... it was so not cool. Went to chicago that was the BEST!! Got trashed, got silly, had fun. Yeah....I love that place. Then came back went to Niagra falls...stayed at the hilton hotel... ooooOOOOoooooooo I felt so out of place there. Then went to New Jersey and stayed in a fUCKING apartment for 80 bucks a night. It was so cool! AH! I have pictures... not sure if i'll post them because some of them are really funny and some of them are just really boring like OOOOoooo look there is a rainbow going through niagra falls...lets take 800 pictures of it! ooooOOOOOooo haha. You people updated too much while I was gone... DAMN YOU DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL........ I need sleep.....blargggggnessssssssssss. Oh i'm going to some thing called dorkwave tomorrow... anyone know anything about this?? What am I getting myself into? meh?
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