Nov 24, 2005 17:06
update on the skate vidio-
a little more than halfway done with the raw footage. still gotta get one of the guys to edit it. got in touch with one of the guys from flatline. he said try to get it to him by a week before i leave for break, that way he can meet with me in person and see me skate emerson before he makes his final call. reconsidering skatelab, the guys seem nice and the team is freakin good. payton from inertia called me...yeah. sending him the vidio too.
the vidio is way more street than vert. lots of flip tricks, lots of grinding. good footage of me hitting my rib doing a backside smith grind. i look retarted. everytime i see it my rib is going to hurt again. as far as the footage from emerson- 2 blunt half cabs (one good, one im cutting out), and backside tailslide. kickflip nosemanuel and front blunt shove-it looks decent but theres some wierd reflection from the sun that i cant figure out how it got there so i think we're gonna re-film that. as far as music goes...still not sure.
thanks to my boys for helping me with this. i love you guys.