Forbidden Phallus Flaunted?!

Nov 21, 2008 10:27

Imagine my surprise today when I logged into to ye olde DevaintArt to check my inbox 'n stuff, and lo and behold...

...there's a giant, illustrated, PEEN on the main page.  (The page of daily top favorites.)

Now, my shock comes from the fact that, as many of you know, DevArt is run by worshippers of the female form, worshippers who are either scared of male genetalia, or hypocritically announce that depictions of boy bits are tasteless and pornographic.  ANY one of us who knows DevArt knows that on any given day there is at least one bare-breasted woman on the main page.  Often a nude photo, just full-on full-frontal.  Not uncommonly containing female crotch parts.  Many times anime-style chicks with boobs contained by string bikinis or nothing, boobs that could crush the average man's head between them (splat).  I think men would enjoy such a death.  But seriously, they're everywhere, all the time.  Nekkid chicks galore.  They're paraded across DevArt all the damn time, in top favorites AND Daily Deviations.  The DevArt mods LOVE nekkid chicks.

Yet show a drawing of two boy characters kissing, and you might get blacklisted if you didn't mark it as "adult content".  And where is all the tasteful male nude photography that never sees the light of day?

Do not mistake this as me wishing for more nekkid boys to ogle in my shut-in loneliness.  I'm actually not a fan of (visual) porn.  I simply wish things to be equal.  You can understand this, I hope.  Why has the female form been allowed to be exploited while the male form is always tastefully covered?

And I think I've figured it out.  BOOBS.  We of the fairer sex have [the potential to have] great big bouncy, flouncy, flirty, grab-worthy breasts hanging off our fronts.  And in terms of sexual organs, it's the feature that lets ours outnumber the boys'.  Somewhere along the line of history, society decided that bare-chested men were okay, but bare female breasts were an instant scandal.  Actually, even just a couple centuries ago, breasts weren't much more scandalous than a half-naked man.  It was hardly more common to see shirtless men walking about town than shirtless women.  And I think that if women were more covered, it was only for the practicality of it.  (They're sensitive.  They don't like being exposed to the elements.)

ANYWAY.  Boobs are, however, a sort of halfway point between decent, non-sexual organs, and the ones you actually NEED for the act of intercourse.  Clearly the ones you NEED should be covered at all times, so even in DevArt's crop of nekkid ladies, the crotch is often "tastefully" in shadow, same as the men.  And in our movies and cable tv?  Boobs galore, but rarely do you see bare genetalia of men OR women.  Boobs are the halfway point.  They're sexy and great for ogling, but they don't have any messy orifices to be violated.  And thus, they have become that sought after, not-for-the-kiddies eye candy that men pay extra to drool over and that can halt a Superbowl Halftime in its televised tracks.

It is because women have this half-explicit feature (while men do not) that has made them far more exploitable in terms of nude displays.  And really, if there were a way to train our menfolk to not freak out and start fantasizing at the sight of naked breasts, I wouldn't give a DAMN about seeing them displayed.  I'm sure it's all the "forbidden" and/or "naughty" angle of it that gets the guys going.  I mean, somehow the men of those topless African/South American tribes manage to go about their day without tripping over themselves to cop a feel.

So back to the giant personified penis on DevArt's main page today.  Lets just say I'm pleasantly surprised and somewhat vindicated.  It was not a "tasteful nude" anything.  Just a large, well-colored phallus drooping over its tiny cup of morning coffee.

So, er... HA.

phallus triumphant

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