Godlings Struggle

Nov 07, 2008 17:40

Page 1 is DONE.  It is COMPLETE.  And it is detailed and complicated-looking, and in desperate need of some color, but it's DONE.  Find it HERE: rowen-silver.deviantart.com/art/Godlings-Page-1-102940296

You can find ruined temples, broken columns, statues, spears, shields, helmets, pottery with little people killing snakes on them... it's a freakin wonderland of ancient Greek junk.  Oh, and you can see Quetzalcoatl in snake form slithering into the scene all sneaky-like.

I've discovered that I have become afraid of my projects.  I mentioned as much in my comments under the submission, but to elaborate: I have become timid about inking.  So timid, so convinced that I'll screw up my pencils, that I procrastinate like crazy.  This is a terible habit, and I apologize.  I have to remember to tell myself that it's ONLY a web-comic.  Yes, I may print it someday, which is why I've drawn it to the TokyoPop dimensions, but for now it has a very small fan base and I can't really afford to be precious with it.

Oh god, I used a phrase that my high school nemesis, I mean art teacher used to use.  Gahh, what a gag-worthy notion.

The Page 1 is also up on my website.  Which I'm not directing you towards just yet.  I think I'll post all of the four pages leading up to the six finished pages, so that there are no gaps, and then start the once a week updates.

She promises AGAIN.


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