
Mar 22, 2010 21:35

Dear friends, I was informed today, directly following my interview, that I have been accepted to the Medical College of Georgia's graduate level medical illustration program.  I will get a masters, and then, presumably, I will get a job.  Fates willing, I will also find a better selection of clean, intelligent, decent men.

I will not become a professional comic artist.  I will have almost NO time once the term starts for anything else at all.  So... artistically speaking... this is practically good-bye until 2013.  It's hard to be excited about a tiny space and a class size of eight and two years of my nose to the grindstone, occassionally performing actual surgeries on live pigs.  It's a far cry from my dream of world-building and character designs and epic narratives.  So it's hard to leap for joy, even right after hearing the good news.  But in the long run, it should give me a better, more productive life.

Wish me luck.  Hope you all are well.

life and all that that implies

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