Thinking Happy Thoughts

Oct 01, 2009 20:00

Between re-reading the Harry Potter books (for various boredome-related reasons) and random introspective thoughts, I came to the subject of Patronuses, and the happy thoughts that produce them.  Now I'm sure lots of people have given a great deal of thought to what animal their hypothetical patronus would take.  (I think mine might be some kind of monkey.)  But I wonder how many people ever stopped to think what their super-awesome-happy thought would be.  And I took a moment to try to think of mine.

And I was stumped.  And then immediately downhearted.

I cannot think of a single moment or day in my life when I was just unbelievably, outrageously happy.  Which isn't to say I didn't have those moments, but the point is that I can't think of any.  I don't clearly remember any of them.  There was just a general mild fluxuation of good days and bad days, good moments and lousy ones.  My upbringing was predominantly a happy one.  Perhaps it is too difficult to find a brilliant sunburst in a sea of twinkling stars.  Do too many happy times lessen the impact of a REALLY happy time?  I remember some truly bad days, and some truly bad moments, often associated with headaches or my mother.  But if a dementor descended upon me right this second and began to suck the happiness from my soul, I could not summon a single wonderful memory clearly to my mind with which to summon my simian patronus.  Not a single memory in which I was blissfully, uncomplicatedly bursting with joy.

Can you?

And if so, what is your happiest memory?

harry potter, happiness

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