DeathNote Board Game, La La La...

Sep 25, 2008 22:21

So yes.  I'm sure anybody watching me here already watches my two other journal posting places, BUT... here's the latest news concerning my DeathNote Board Game, which is extensive and complicated and packed with awesome.

I created this board game with a friend, back when we were young and high off our own mad skills and in love with DeathNote.  (A.K.A. about 9-10 months ago.)  We poured our efforts into making this game, complete with a hugely illustrated board, sixteen game pieces, and two decks of 150 cards each (300 cards total, for you math ungeniuses) with almost every card unique, plus a rule booklet made to look like a freakin Death Note.  Here's a glimpse, if you didn't already look (or if you don't know me and haven't already seen it and/or played it.)

See?  Cool, huh?  And if it looks complicated, well, it is.  Sort of like a cross between a regular board game, chess, and solve-the-maze.  We figured that anyone smart enough to enjoy DeathNote is smart enough to play this game.  It's for 2-4 players (4 is best).  Each player directs a team of four characters, a leader and three subordinates.  If you play as Kira's team, L's team, or Near's team, you are trying to reach "JUSTICE" in the middle of the board.  If you play as Ryuk's team, the shinigami, your goal is to kill all the other players.  Fun, huh?

I want to share the DeathNote game with everyone, every DeathNote fan I can find.  Since I'll never be able to profit off of it myself (long, sad story) I am offering to share the image files with people FOR FREE, so that they can print their own.  The co-creator of the game does not wish to share her art, so I have taken out all of her artwork and have been replacing it with my own.  I've now recreated everything except for the illustration on the back of the stratey deck and the two tea parties (the safe zones where you can't be killed.)  I hope to get to them soon.  When I do, I will create image files to send to ANYONE through the computer, FOR FREE.  And then you can make your very own made-of-awesome DeathNote Board Game!  This is what the old board looked like.  Mine will be extremely similar.

Please, if you know of any fans of DeathNote who would enjoy this, or any DeathNote fan communities I can announce this to, please let me know.  And now I shall list what you'll need to assemble yourself.

1 -  22 1/4" x 22 1/4" board illustration in full color.  If you go to Office Max or some place like it and use their big roller to print it all at once, it will run you about $30+.  OR you can print it on several smaller papers and piece it together on the cheap.

2 - dice.  Just find some.  Steal 'em from Yatzhee or something.  Actually, you only need one for the majority of game play.

1 - Chance Deck of cards, in black and white and
1 - Strategy Deck of cards, in color.
I printed my decks on ready-made business card paper at Office Max.  (They had a great SCAD discount.)  The cards were made business card size for this reason.  Now folks, this is 300 cards total.  FRONT AND BACK, if you want to be able to tell them apart.  To print on the business card paper, they are grouped 10 to an 8 1/2" x 11" sheet.  That's 15 prints per deck, 30 if you print the backs.  I can't even tell you how much it might be, but I figure it'll be less than $50.  OR you can print them on regular cardstock more cheaply and cut them out yourself.  (Have fun.)

1 - instruction booklet, mostly in black and white.  (There's some words in red.)  It's five sheets, front and back, folded to make an booklet that's 4" x 5.5".  Hell, you can print this out on a home printer (or a school printer!) to be really cheap.

16 Game pieces, to represent 16 different characters.  We never got around to making our own.  We ended up using cheap trinkets from the 99 cent section of Target and sticking printed out character faces on them.  Also, you'll need to be able to distinguish leader characters and subordinates. Your leaders are LIGHT (RAITO/KIRA), L (gottalovim), NEAR, and RYUK.  Kira's subordinates are Misa, Takada, and Mikami.  L's subordinates are Watari, Matsuda, and Misora.  Near's subordinates are Mello (hah!) Matt, and Hal.  Ryuk's subordinates are Rem, Shidoh, and Jealous.  When Zeda and I first tested the game play by playing each other (mind you this was 1 on 1) we actually used money!  I had a quarter and three dimes and she had a nickel and three pennies.  I'm sure you can find SOMETHING. You're smart, right?

The introduction in the instruction booklet reads:

This Death Note Game is a seamless combination of
strategy and chance.  In order to win you will have to be
both canny and lucky.  Are you smart enough to outwit
Kira?  Are you clever enough to evade L?  Are you
dedicated enough to reach justice before your rivals
do?  Or do you simple want to screw over everyone
else?  Whichever side you choose, keep in mind that
your fortunes may change in an instant, so never,
ever let your guard down!
I shall have more info for you when I can, and I hope to get my version done soon.  PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD!  Remember, it's FREE FROM ME!

death note, come and get it!!!, board games

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