May 10, 2009 14:31

Have you ever gone to shake the can of parmesan cheese to break up the lumps, then realized that the lid wasn't closed about two seconds after cheese sprinkles rain down upon every surface of your kitchen?  I can now say that I HAVE.  Funzees.

So EDITOR'S DAY is OVAH!  WHOO!  It happened, and it was great!  Sorta.  I was only assigned a time slot to see ONE editor (the Viz guy, yay boardgame!) but I went with Laura, and we got up at the squeak of dawn to walk half an hour to the building and be the first ones in the door, to sign up early on the waiting lists.  So because of that, I got to see FOUR editors total.  Viz first, then Slave Labor Graphics, then Marvel, then DC Vertigo.

The Viz guy was fanTAStic.  He liked my portfolio, and I think I'll be sending him stuff SOON, and then Zeda and I presented the Death Note game, and FOLKS, HE LIKED IT!  He spent plenty of time listening to our explanations and looking though our cards, and examining the weensy game pieces, and he smiled the whole time.  Then he told us to e-mail him and he'd put us in contact with the Products department person.  AND, he said, he "wouldn't be at all surprised if they picked it up"!


How d'you like THEM apples?

Next was Slave Labor Graphics guy.  Mostly what I showed was my Godlings comic.  He said no colorist would ever go near my pages.  Frustrating, since I see them all in color.  He said more, but it's not really worth repeating.  Suffice it to say it was exactly like smiling while getting stabbed in the chest repeatedly.  At least it wasn't just me, or a few, but everyone.  He was apparently just that kind of guy.

Then came Marvel guy, and he was MADE OF WIN, I tell you.  He told me (I must hereby record it to remind myself that I don't suck) that I "have an exquisite understanding of anatomy", and he really really liked that splash page of Quetzalcoatl that I used for my "Prologue: Serpentine" page.  Then he told me that my stuff brought to mind the book adaptations that Marvel produces, such as the Odyssey, or Pride and Prejudice.  Period pieces, and good storytelling.  (Guys he LIKED my storytelling a lot!  He seemed very pleased by the fact that he could look at every single panel and tell exactly what was going on, no confusion or pausing.)  And as soon as he mentioned period piece type work, it struck me as how very suitable that material would be for my work, which was incredibly heartening.  And THEN he asked me to e-mail him and told me that he'd send me sample scripts to do pages from!  HAH!  I can't wait to start really working to prove myself.

Last was DC Vertigo, a woman.  It was the very end of the day, and she was clearly DONE.  We were squeezing the last few stragglers in to see her, and we each were given 6 minutes instead of the usual 15.  She was more critical, and apparently didn't like fantasy work.  (Go figure?)  And she told me to get rid of the spot blacks I had, that my renderings of dirt seemed arbitrary, and also that she didn't like my font choices or my word balloon placements.  *shrugs*  So I'll send her a "Thanks, nice to meet you" e-mail, but I don't think I really got her attention.

So... YAY FOR VIZ AND MARVEL!  And also the panel discussion the night before was fantastic.  Plus, in terms of being back in Savannah for a whole two+ days, I was able to get both the sushi roll I'd missed so much and Leopold's strawberry ice cream AND hang out with Bob Pendarvis for over three hours.

Perhaps in a later entry I'll tell you guys about the horror story Bob told us about the hotel where we stayed.  (Preview: there was underwear and messages written in "blood" involved.)

TLDR: E-Day GOOD.  Me: excited, but a little tired.

P.S.  I left my mother alone for too long, apparently, because when I came back, she had brought home carpet samples, two pieces of wall art, a giant mirror, and a new cat.

godlings, death note board game, job maybe, editor's day

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