FO dry spell

Oct 03, 2008 21:25

Originally published at Leonine Ponderances. You can comment here or there.

It’s been hard but there’s a good reason for the dry spell in finished objects lately. I’ve been plugging along on my Evangeline Tunic by Joan MM. I’d casted on in early August but only did 11 rows before setting it aside.

Doing the Ravelympics left me with the desire to finish up some of the bigger projects I had going. I didn’t realize how focused  & determined that desire was but I’ve been working steadily on Evangeline with one exception.

One of my Ravelympics projects that I had to give up on was the Sweater Bag and part of my frustration was that was that the ‘plain’ knitting part was all rev st st which meant 50 purl stitches every row (half the row).

But after working on the Evangeline for a while, I realized that every wrong side row was near 200+ purl stitches and I was doing just fine. I decided to set it down and do a little on the Sweater Bag to see if it was still a big frustration.

I ended up not being able to put it down til the body was finished. I even kept going and worked on the strap til the skein ran out.  However the strap left me with a new set of annoyances as it was only 18 stitches done in the round but it still felt like it took forever to make any progress.

I went back to the Evangeline at that point and with a minor exception, have dedicated all my knitting hours for the past couple of weeks to it. Knitted everyday too except the last couple which is why I feel weird right now because I haven’t had my “fix” in a few days.

I’m up to the armhole shaping area on the front now and the piece looks really big but seems to fit right when held against the body. I think it may come out longer than originally planned cause I think my row gauge was off but that’s ok with me. I like long shirts anyways.

There’s so many things I want to cast on that my head wants to explode just thinking about it. But I really do need to soon finish the Purple Cat Pillow for Rachel as I was told tonight that she’s near ready to pop! Ideally I’d devote myself to doing a matching baby blanket in the same yarn as I got enough for that purpose to start with.

And then perhaps I’ll break my beading cherry and make my “Deathly Odessa” which will be a hat made with skull beads that I’ve had for 4 years.

The minor exception to the Evangeline btw is starting a Hostile Bunni on Wednesday which was the day after the official month long Bunnis VillageAlong  for Village  Hopelessly Overcommitted on Ravelry ended.  I did the body up to the last couple rounds, embroidered a face on it, then did the ears. Still need to sew on the ears, stuff the body and then finish the last couple rounds, finish off and weave in the ends to be complete. Angela also had the cool idea to add eyebrows to make him look more hostile. She also said that he looked a little like Winnie The Pooh. In the dark light, the orange looked red from across the room.

I’ve been too lazy to try to take pictures of the current WIPs of the sweater bag or tunic but I did manage to snap a photo of the Bunni to be so here you go!

purple cat pillow, deathly odessa, hostile bunni, evangeline, sweater bag, yarnlove

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