
Sep 10, 2008 18:30

Originally published at Ms. Amused. You can comment here or there.

Hey Ally! Looks like I’ve become a fan. Proof in the pudding was seeing this today on ONTD and squeeing to myself to read about the set and all.

Over Friday/Saturday I blasted through all of Season 3 which was just released on DVD. Not long ago I watched all of S1 and then S2 (with a couple weeks separation in between the seasons). The show’s really grown on me.

At first, I rolled my eyes a little because it felt like they were pulling out every overtold urban legend in the book. But they got me with the personal tale of the brothers and their family and the yellow eyed demon. Plus I’d recently fallen in love with Jeffrey Dean Morgan because of “Denny” on Grey’s Anatomy only weeks before so everytime he showed on screen as their dad was bonus.

I don’t know if it’s that my jadedness faded away or the writing really hit a groove but the “every urban legend” thing really gelled with the overall Winchester story and I don’t even notice it anymore. Even tropes like the “groundhog day” (endless repeats of a day) that I HATE work! There’s a “Groundhog Day” type episode in the 3rd Season where Sam is forced to relive Dean’s death over and over and over again. It actually goes through the most repeats of a day that I’ve seen in any tv episode yet both in what scenes you see and also what is “told” by the character. Yet, the writers managed to keep the story interesting enough and the actors of course pulled it off famously.

Given Jared & Jensen’s predilection for pranks and clowning around, I can only imagine what it was like to film THAT episode with each day ending in Dean’s death.

First season was good but the 2nd season started to falter some. Third season came back with a vengeance and I think for me, even topped the first season. Wonder if it’s just better storytelling or did the anticipation of the 3rd season coming soon prime me? I also wonder if the shorter season due to the writer’s strike actually helped as there was less deviation from the overall story. In fact now that I think about it, I seem to remember that it got a little slow towards the middle which was going into the strike. When they came back, the writers would have had to shove the rest of the story into fewer episodes. A lot less filler = better overall albeit shorter season?

I’d been configuring the DVR before I got to watching the third season and had decided to just skip Supernatural due because at the time I believed that Supernatural was fading and wasn’t going to be worth putting on the DVR. Could always catch it later on DVD. But now I’m gonna forgo Dancing With the Stars instead. I had a good time watching it when Marlee was on it but now I definitely want to find out what happens to the Winchester boys now.

One thing though, throughout the third season I kept expecting to see their dad show up but he never did. I don’t remember all of the 2nd season finale but did Daddy Winchester escape from hell and move on to the good beyond for good? Or is it that JDM was unavailable to come back? After all, he’s been busy lately with PS I Love you, Watchmen and more! Hoping some diehard Supernatural fan can answer that question (looking at you Ally!)

Minor trivia: Everyone’s talking about how the Twilight fans are pretty fucking crazy but Supernatural’s not without its own. From girls stalking the set to a fan launching themselves off a riser to tackle Jensen… I’m appalled. I’ve been the hardcore fan before (former hardcore nutball Xenite here among others) but never did I do insane shit like that. Nor did I hear about others in the fandom doing it either. No wonder, it’s been said that Jensen & Jared use bodyguards for fan appearances now.

jensen ackles, television, jeffrey dean morgan, supernatural, jared padlecki

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