This made me cry (and Batman related stuff)

Aug 04, 2008 15:57

Originally published at Ms. Amused. You can comment here or there.

James Doohan (of “Beam me up Scott” fame)’s son writes about the repeated failed attempts to give his dad the funeral he wanted. In Space.

And also in very worrisome news, Morgan Freeman was seriously injured in a car accident! NOOOO!!!!

As cleolinda on LJ put it… NOOOO NOT PRESIDENT GOD!!

When older actors pass away, like George Carlin, it hurts and it’s hard but it’s less devastating (for me at least) than when people like Heath die because none of us live forever and they were getting to the end of their life anyways. George had bad heart health for some time anyways.

But Morgan Freeman… he may be old but he’s also very in demand and prolific in great roles which puts him on the screen several times a year it seems. He’s in so many movies that I love that it’d be brutal to lose him though nature dictates we will one day.

Just NOT YET!!!! please not yet… not for another 20 years at least.

There’s talk about a Batman curse since Heath died earlier this year. Supposedly it was talked about on set… but why? Were there injuries and other mishaps leading up to Heath’s death and now Morgan’s accident?

Some people are even including Bale’s recent appearance in the tabloids as part of the curse. But I discount that because that’s just opportunistic parasitic family members trying to make a buck by hook or by crook. And oh yea, I don’t believe Bale “assaulted” anyone. Yelled, sure. But beat? No way. I looked up old interviews and noticed that he rarely talked about his mom and that it was mostly all about his dad. Bad relationship much?

Since I’ve already rambled to Nepal and back… might as well finish off by saying:


Not a perfect film but I actually prefer that. Too perfect movies make my head explode. I am even more sorry that Heath is dead because it is a CRIME that there’s no way to finish the Joker story.

Well someone, I think A, actually brought it up “What if they got Depp to finish it?” and that made me stop and think. I’d been thinking that no one would tolerate anyone stepping in for Heath to finish the story but how about an actor that people are lauding for having done just that on a different film? I dare say even Colin Farrell would work but not Jude Law.

The Joker was the ONE character in Dark Knight that I didn’t “see the actor” in. And that was only because between the heavy feature obliterating makeup and the voice modulation, even a focused attempt to see Heath under the makeup rarely worked.

Put Depp through makeup/costume tests and I’m sure they can get him to look very much like Heath’s Joker. Depp is also talented enough that I believe he could “find” Heath’s Joker’s mannerism & style and carry them on.

So yea… maybe there’s hope after all to continue the Joker.

Gonna force myself to save the tangent rant about one of the reasons why people say that Angelina Jolie should not be cast as Catwoman but instead point out what I’ve determined to be the current truth about casting for the next Batman movie.

There is NO casting other than the obvious already played ones, the surviving characters from Dark Knight (I listed them but realized it’d be a spoiler).

Apparently a number of actors signed multi picture deals, ie Maggie Gyllenhaal and Aaron Eckhart both reportedly signed 2 picture deals. But just because the contracts exists, doesn’t mean they have to be used in the 2nd picture of the deal.

It was reading that Christopher Nolan isn’t even attached for a 3rd Batman picture that made me realize that at this stage, absolutely nothing is set in stone. The next movie might not even be made. Common sense dictates that the buckets of cash and records breaking run of Dark Knight is enjoying will drive the studio to make another movie at some point. But that’s about the only thing you can count on.

Fare Thee Well James Doohan, George Carlin, & Heath Ledger and GET BETTER SOON Morgan Freeman!!

And someone stick Gary Oldman, Christian Bale, Maggie Gyllenhaal and Michael Caine in a padded bomb shelter til 2009! Oh and Christopher Nolan too!

james doohan, heath ledger, casting, dark knight, george carlin, morgan freeman, batman, johnny depp, movies, space funeral, controversy, star trek, commentary

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