May 26, 2009 20:06
Has anyone here read any of the Greek AtG sources before? (original Greek or translation)
I'm referring particularly to Arrian, Diodorus and Plutarch. I'm asking because I've got a assignment to write
which is about a comparison of Alexander's portrayal in Ancient and Modern literature, with a focus on his "philhellenism" vs. his "orientalism".
I'm pretty much decided about the modern authors I'm going to use, but still need to choose the Ancient ones.
So, if someone's already read one or more of them, and could just give me a hint about whether you'd recommend author x for
this sort of comparison or rather not, I'd be thankful. It's manly about whether there's at least some focus on his "Greek-ness" versus his "behaving orientally" because that's what I need, and if there's nothing useful, I don't even have to consider the author in question.
Thank you in advance :)