I hate being so busy! Right when I decide that I'm going to go all LJ crazy, senior year slaps me in the face! I've been neck deep in senior events and getting ready for college. I've barely been able to check many of my sites and definitely could not think of something to write on here! Now that my senior year has ended and graduation is this Saturday, I'm hoping I'll be able to get on here more this summer!
So, how has everyone been? Seen any good movies? Read any good books? Hit me up I would love to know :D
Personally I got to watch Iron Man 2 and it was AWESOME! Not only because of the loveliness that is RDJ (I also just found out ppl call him Ducky! Love it!) and Don Cheadle (Loved him as Rhodey! Such great chemistry with Ducky!), but with how it was perfect how they introduced so many new characters and even had references to Cap (I might die squeeing just at the thought of this movie!) and Thor (Very hopeful to what's gonna happen with it!) They portrayed Mickey Rooney and Scarlett Johansen's chracters perfectly and I'm so excited for the Avengers movie! Also Samuel L. Jackson was great as Nick Fury! Just enough sarcastic bad assness and humor to make him awesome.
Anyway I have been able to update my Tumblr more often and I would love for those of you that have it to hit me up. I'm actually able to update that one more often! lol
Tumblr Account!
meganamhman.tumblr.com/ Tata for now!