Rough Draft Submission Is Now Open!

Sep 15, 2011 21:01

Hello authors! The rough draft deadline is almost upon us, as we prepare for story selection to open next week.

Story Submission Form

You will also need to include a summary -- these are what the artists will use to select their story. All summaries and drafts are due by Sunday, September 18th at 11pm Pacific Time (click here for the date and time in your area).

Remember, we aren't necessarily looking for a complete or polished draft, just enough progress that an artist can be reasonably confident that you will finish by the deadline. The required minimum draft wordcounts for each level are:

Flare: 1,700
Ultima: 3,400
Mega Flare: 6,700
Giga Flare: 13,400

If you signed up as a team with an artist, there is no need to submit your summary or draft. Stories without artwork are also more than welcome in the collection!

Any questions? Let the mods know! Thanks, and happy writing!

This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID.

authors, !admin

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