Greetings, everyone. I realize that it's been forever and a half since I've posted, or even replied to any of you, but it hasn't been easy to manage getting online these days. If it's not DH cutting off the DSL service again, because either he doesn't recognize what the charge is for on the phone bill, and therefore assumes it has something to do
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It sucked that I wasn't able to make it in for Christmas, either, because we got pretty buried up here (what a surprise, right?) And I'm not sure what some of you are bitching about as far as the snow removal, because it beats the crap out of the way they handle it up here. Basically, if you don't live right on a bus route or anything, hope you've got enough supplies to last you until summer, because you ain't seeing the light of shopping districts or any other kind of civilization before then. And if you do live on a bus route, of course, you can count on not being able to park anywhere near in walking distance. And is it just me, or does walking distance seem to get a whole lot shorter this time of year?
Now I'm really hot to move back by you guys, and as soon as this crap thaws out and melts enough, I'm going to make a concentrated effort to find something over that way. Frankly, I'm getting too old for this shit.
Happy holidays to all of you, though, and hope to see you guys soon.
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