Yet another fine guessture by the school district to sever us all better

Aug 27, 2009 16:37

I had planned to go back to school this fall, and I'd basically decided to go Mondays and Wednesdays, taking one class in the morning and one in the afternoon. But then I got a notice in the mail that the school district, in its unfinite wisdom, has decided to start all middle and high schools 20 minutes later on Wednesdays, with a 10 minute delay in start time for elementary schools, to accommodate weekly team meetings. Fabulous. The regular start time would have been pushing it for me, by the time I'd get Eewie on the bus and off to school, I'd be pushing it to make it to the main campus on time for my morning class, what with morning rush hour. It's only maybe 20 miles away, but on a good morning where there are no accidents, construction, etc., it's a good 45 minute commute.

And if you tack 20 minutes onto the time I'd be free to leave, I'd end up missing close to half an hour's worth of class, if nothing unforeseen happens along the way or anything.

Would it kill these little WHINEY ASSED TEACHERS to come in HALF AN HOUR EARLY, since they, not us, are the ones who CHOSE teaching as a profession, knowing what the pay was before they ever started college?!

No. It's yet another covert little dig by the damned schools to let us all know that just because our children are in school all day does NOT exempt us from our parental responsibility of jumping through whatever hoops and assorted obstacles they decide to throw down in front of us. They look down on us as "stay at home moms" who have just noooooooooothing but time on our hands to come rushing to, TEAM meetings, and sit by the phone with bated breath waiting for them to call us with near constant progress reports and updates just so we won't think they're not earning every penny of what they make as special ed teachers. But the minute we try to take any initiative to reforge our own lives or anything, they're quick to ream us with the "parental responsibility" crap.

I'm sorry, I'm not a particularly happy camper right now. After all, one of the biggest reasons why the morning commute has gotten to be such a nightmare between here and the tollway is because of the WORLD CLASS ASSHOLE LOCATION they chose for the new high school. Right smack between here and the tollway. Like it would have killed them to buy the property a little further up the road that's been sitting there vacant and on the market for fifteen years now, that I know of. But nooooooooo, couldn't do that, that would have had room to expand in the future, rather than hostilely take over and condemn some other hapless farmer's property while whining "eminent domain."

And by the time I found out about the Wednesday start times being changed this year, and decided that I'd be better off going Tuesdays and Thursdays, the intro class that I need to be able to take anything else was full. So now I can't go at all until next semester.

And just as sort of icing on the cake, I've gotten phone calls EVERY DAMNED DAY from one member of the, TEAM, or another, introducing themselves and asking whether I have any questions. And me having to hold my tongue to keep from asking them any of the questions I really want to know. Coming off as a raving, screaming lunatic is just not a good way to start the new school year, LOL.

Oooookie, how about just a big, global "Could the whole hyped up, drug-happy lot of you get the hell off my case until and unless there's an actual problem, at least?!!!" Perhaps that would suffice for now.

So I guess you could say that I'm counting the days until Eewie graduates high school and I can wash my hands of these nitwits once and for all. I swear, every year they get a little worse. And once my son finishes, which should hopefully be in another 2 years, I should at least be free of "Team Stepford."
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