Sep 09, 2014 19:23
One of the things-I-do for historic reasons is participate in a rather amusing introduction-to-radio-frequency-direction-finding for recruits to part of the forces.
Basically, I set up a HF radio-transmitter with an agreed transmitting-schedule and modulation method - then wait for the recruits to hunt me down by whatever means they see fit.
Transmitters get to assign themselves names: this year I chose "Geheimsender Otter" [Secret transmitter Otter].
i'm happy to say that the other participants: Wolf, Adel, Luchs, Katz, Schlange, Dachs, Wiesel, Robbe, Wildschwein, Truthahn und Eichhornchen - all had their locations identified.
Geheimsender Otter was not located. Well, someone suggested I was located about 100Km south of Iceland...