(no subject)

Aug 04, 2009 08:24

I havent used livejournal to post in a long while. been little updates on facebook.

Its been a busy weekend. I worked a full 8 hours on thursday, which made me very tired. Im not used to being on my feet all day long, I can easily do it, without any problem during the day, but when i get off the adrenaline of the day, i crash. I had dialysis on friday afternoon, during the treatment my bloodpressure went sky high, even after the nurse gave me the emergency drugs they keep at clinic for people with pressure as high as mine on treatment. What she didnt say when she woke me up to give me these drugs was that she was turning my goal off. it remained off for the rest of treatment, so we didnt even get a ful kilo off out of the 3 we were trying for. Which is agravating, but i understand her choice and i would have agreed with it. BUT! she should have told me she was turning it off when she did, not when i was about to walk out the door and go home for the weekend. had i been not all there, like most of the 100 year old patients at clinic are, i would have walked out heavy and not thought a thing about and probably ended up in the hospital with fluid on my lungs or something. But we did get a puff treatment scheduled and everything went okay for the puff, everything came off so no more problems.
I also worked on saturday morning, so saturday was hectic, getting from work to treatment on time. The computer systems also decided to take a dive on saturday at the store. we were forced to hand write everything and send runners out through the store to find prices and sale items. So everything took 15 times longer. we had a lot of angry customers, who decided to tell me it was my fault on their way out.
I worked sunday too. And apparently i had the 'magic touch' because almost every register i hopped on that day had some sort of problem. Register 1 needed to be rebooted after freezing mid-transaction. register 3 froze twice after a lady tried to run her credit card through and the machine wouldnt read the number, even after i punch them in. Register 4 started doing "article not found" (which is what happened on saturday, that caused the system to crash), when i started scanning items. Thankfully the system didnt crash again. I did start feeling real bad around my breaktime, but not bad enough to really go home, plus i can always use more hours. I just kind of felt really overheated with some occassional nausea, that would quickly pass. i got home and i took my blood pressure pills, by that time i could feel my bp was up. I tried to eat some of the apple aaron had cut up for me and it just wasnt working for me. So i just laid down on the couch and tried to nap. I woke up around 5 i think, rushed to the bathroom and puked. I felt better afterward, even if i was still very wiped out from the day. I didnt have that overheated feeling anymore and thats what i think it was. I just got too hot, unfortunately ive done that before and i should learn to keep a cold water bottle up there with me, even if i dont always drink it.
I worked monday and 5 minutes before we opened the store, the system crashes. I also got squished by our auto-doors. Somethings broken. If you approach them from the outside, like any customer would, the sensor sees you and it opens for you. But if you approach them like anyone trying to leave the store the sensor wont open for you. You can push them open a little ways and then the motors will take over and they'll open up, but its a hassle and it confuses the customers greatly. So im dragging all the sale shelves out onto the side walk and having to stop inbetween the two sets of doors to push them open. One shelf gets caught on the rug and im having trouble getting it free (im only 110 pounds) and im standing in the doorway and they start to shut on me. And there's a bit of power behind those things when they want to shut, i cursed a mean streak when they hit me. we have also changed the days we get trucks. its now monday rather than thursday, so there were tons of workers in the shop, they were just all in recieving unloading things, making it very hard to get any backup to the registers. I also did an abnormally large amount of returns yesterday. I was running ellen ragged between return calls and price changes cause the pcs hadnt been loaded yet.
And yesterday's treatment went as well as can be expected. We actually went below my dry weight, which is 49.0. I went down to 48.3. Im not entirely sure how i feel about that. It means that ive possibly been sitting way above my dry weight for quite some time now(BAD!!!), or that its a fluke. I didnt feel particularly whoozey or wobbly leaving treatment, so i think my dry weight may need to be adjusted. But even if i walk in clinic tomorrow and tell them that, its never that simple.

TODAY IS PATCH DAY! lots of new things to do when the servers come up. Like stalk rare-spawn raptors for new non-combat pets! YAY!

But first laundry folding.
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