Thanks for the Icecream

Sep 15, 2009 03:19

Characters: Matt Ishida (needthemusic), Darien Kanatashi (nipponsaywhut), Trent Okada (skippinclass), Sora Takenouchi (flytogether)
Time: Band Practice.
Summary: Sora does the band a large financial favor.

They'd already been practicing for about twenty minutes, going over the set list, what to play for the encore (if there was one, what they'd wear). It all seemed a little fruitless, really. The concert was getting closer and they still didn't have a way to pay for their equipment repairs. Sora still hadn't shown up yet. She definitely didn't have a tennis practice today. It wasn't like her to be forgetful.

Matt was running through a few more songs. They were doing much better now that their setlist had solidified. If only that speaker didn't sound so bad. And Darien's sticks weren't still snapped. He'd been avoiding cellphone calls all day. Guess from who. The main doors creaked open and Sora stepped through. She bowed apologetically and made her way down the aisle of chairs to the stage.

"Sorry I'm late.."

Matt stopped, putting a hand up to stop the music from the others. He spoke through the microphone. "Hey, where you been?" Climbing the stairs on the side of stage, she walked over. She was holding a small stack of papers to her chest. "I had a meeting with the principal. It kind of went longer than expected."

He turned, following her with his head. "Huh?"
She tilted her head to the side a bit with a smile, "I told you that I'd talk to him the other day, remember?"
"Yeah, but--?", he looked as though he didn't know why.

It was hard to tell if that was sincere, or just put on to fake ignorance on the other two.
turnabout hobo (10:59:04 PM): She turned the stack of papers around to show them what was printed on the other side. Displaying it with a wider smile. "It took a while and a good deal of persuasion, but he agreed to front the bill for the repairs."

It was an estimate from a local music store of how much the repairs would cost. She blushed, trying to be humble about it. "You'd have to pay it back, of course, but at least you won't have to worry about your instruments for the concert."

"... ...", he gawked.
"What?", Trent, coming out from behind his keyboards. Darien followed in curiosity. They tried to snatch the paper, Matt snatched it back quickly in silence.

"What!", Trent repeated.
"...It's paid for."
"Sora, how did you do this?", he looked up at her.

"Ah!- um,... I guess it's because I had to spend so much time talking to him about student council issues last year. Since I trust you guys to pay it back and he trusts me..."

"... ...", blinked. They were silent.
"... ...", she remained quiet.

Sora's eyes darted off to the side, still smiling. "The repairs can be done by Friday morning, which is kind of short notice since the concert is Friday night but-..."

They jumped up and highfived eachother! They were celebrating? And very quiet, glum Matt was now smiling!

"That's great!"
"Sweet, yo!"
"S'goin's soundtastic!"

And Sora couldn't help but laugh as she stood back and watched them. Yes, this was exactly the reaction she'd hoped for. "Sora, that's great! You're amazing. This changes everything. We're all ready to go with that. Just need to drop off the equipment on Friday morning and that's it!"

Two more cheers and whoops from the guys behind him while she gave a humble little blush at 'you're amazing.' "So other than the repairs, you're pretty much prepared for the concert now, right? I heard the decorations are taken care of."

"Kari and Davis on that committee took care of everything?", he asked, still pleased.

She nodded. "Kari-chan's the committee head. She says everything's getting set up on Friday afternoon."

"... ...", he took his bass strap off. "We're going out."

"We still have an hour left, man.", Trent spoke as Darien nodded in agreement.
"Whatever, we're getting food."
"Ice cream. I'm buying."

Trent and Darien highfived! Free food! It was apparent that they were easy to please with very simple things and followed him off the stage.

"A celebration, huh?"

Trent and Darien were doing some stupid celebration dance like idiots over an ice cream cone. Matt stood there, quiet and doing nothing, unimpressed with the completely normal display of five year olds. "... You coming or what.", to Sora.

Sora paused, almost as if she wasn't expecting an invitation. "Ah. Sure!" Gathering up her things, she followed them out the side door. No fangirls around, thankfully.

He peeked to make sure. Nothing. Hands in his pockets, he led the troops out the door.

She attempted to keep up the pace with the boys, laughing at their goofy antics, not really contributing to any conversation. She was still so happy that she was able to do something good for them. It felt good to be needed. Trent pushed Matt, who pushed back. Who bumped into Darien. Which erupted into a jokingly-shove styled fight off and on the sidewalk.

"Oh, you ass!"
"Hell yeah."

She held the door open for them as they entered the shop. "After you, 'gentlemen.'" Still smirking all along.

Darien hit Matt upside the head, "Ow!"
He laughed, walking in and actually holding the door when Sora came in.

The shop was surprisingly quiet. Well, aside from the band. She just stood quietly as they ordered. Ordering a small cone for herself too. Matt threw down a debit card. Sora took a seat with Trent and Darien near the front windows as Matt paid. She moved over to make room for him when he joined them, "Thanks, Matt."

"Yeah, no problem.", as Darien and Trent were stuffing their face. Matt was much more calm in eating his. He kicked back into the chair, leaning it back on two legs. Despite Trent and Darien's table manners, she was enjoying this. She just couldn't wipe her smile off her face. Her phone beeped. She took it from her backpack and flipped it open, read it and started sending a text back. Matt heard it, but tried not to pry unlike his counterparts.

"Oooh~! Who's important today?", teasing her.

She looked up, not realizing they'd noticed. "Oh, uh-", she sent the text and closed her phone. "Tai's just wondering where I am." He bit into the cone, Matt was silently enjoying his treat.

"What, you and Tai going steady?", Trent as blunt as a mace. Matt mentally groaned, still silent. Darien grinned, chocolate all over his face and leaning in on his hands like some sort of flirty girl on purpose.

And Sora just started laughing again. No blushing or stammering, "No no no!" She put her hands out and shook them to further emphasize her point. "We've all been friends since the fourth grade, Tai, Matt and I. We're definitely not dating. We're friends!"

"Uh huh, so what's it say?"
"Guys, don't bug her about it."

She flipped it open again and held it up for them to read. Not embarrassed at all:
Sora, if ur not working 2nite do u want to see a late movie? it's opening night for dm! i'll buy

"Lies! Lies and trickery!", Trent fakely accused while Darien made kissy faces, "Guys, knock it off."

Sora just laughed again. Matt seemed more bothered by this than she was, "And who do you have a date with tonight, Darien?" Playful smile. "Trent?"

"His mom."
Darien hit him with his hat.
Matt laughed, "What a loser."

No worries here. Sora was definitely able to hold her own when it came to their teasing. A bit of her ice cream dripped on the table. She cleaned it up with a napkin, "That's sweet, Darien."

Matt stopped, blinking at Sora. She was playing back? Their old manager used to laugh at them. Staring, much?" Trent to Matt. Matt looked slightly discomforted. "Shut up."

"He's taking his mom and his sister."
arien raised his arm to whack him with his hat again, "Quits, yo!"

Strike that. Old manager used to scold them. Not laugh. Oh god, her stomach hurt from laughing too much. She almost felt sick. She must have learned a thing or two from hanging out with Tai so much, "Adorable."

"Get used to this. You'll learn to love us!", Trent, grinning at Sora.
"S'allgots th' likeables", Darien finally taking his hat back onto his head.
Matt crunched into his cone.

"I guess I'll have to, huh? Since we'll be working with each other so much-", she stopped, "-Well, until the concert is over, really..."

"Yeah, then we'll have to find another replacement for the replacement."
"Mn." Finally bit into her cone as well. She'd been laughing more than eating.

"Sorry, guys, My schedule is pretty full. I'd keep the job if I could."
Matt handed her a napkin. "It's on your face."
"That sucks! You rule, Sora!", Trent.
"Ah!", she wiped her chin with the napkin.
"Really? What was your old manager like anyway?"
"Douchebag.", all three. At the same time.

She blinked. Well, she was an improvement on their old manager at least, "...Ah."
"And you're much better."
"Yeah, we like you.", Matt. He smiled at her.

And there was that blush again, "I haven't even had the job and entire week."
"We've been flipping out about this crap a month!", Trent.
"You solved it in an after-", cellphone. Matt rolled his eyes and shut it off.

"... Oh!" Opened her mouth to remind Matt to tell Yuka that her help wouldn't be necessary, but closed it again. He didn't want Trent and Darien to know about that. The boys were looking at her as if expecting an explanation for her little exclamation.

"My um, ice cream dripped on the seat." She reached for a napkin to clean up the 'spot'. Matt saw that and shot her a look. The two boys looked between each other with a grin.

"Well," checked her wristwatch. "I'm supposed to work for an hour this afternoon and then I'm meeting Tai for dinner and a movie-", Flashing Darien a fake disapproving scowl.

"- It's not a date."
"So, I should probably go. Thanks again for the ice cream, Matt."

Sora stood up and grabbed her backpack. Flashing them a quick 'victory V!' on her way out the door. Matt smiled, "Thanks, Sora. See you later.", casual, but happier. It was a nice change.

"Shut up."

» logs & storyline, » darien kanatashi, » sora takenouchi, » trent okada, » matt ishida

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