And now for a list of things heavily involving music and my boyfriend.

Nov 05, 2010 00:05

Janked from  unitofmeasure. <3

15 random thoughts you have right now.
1. Fuck, I'm going to have 8ams everyday in the spring AGAIN, FUCK FUCK FUCK
2. I've been in my room for like an hour. Why aren't my shoes and coat off yet?
3. Yayyyy, no classes tomorrow! :D
4. Concert Choir tour should happen... like next week.
5. I hope Kent the Kangaroo's writing class isn't full when I register tomorrow.
6. A lot of this list is going to be filled with stuff about registration.
7. I'm not obsessing over registration or anything, I just sorted everything out a few minutes ago and it's on my mind.
8. I think I actually ate three times today. *what?*
9. So happy to be taking voice lessons again. :)
10. WHY ARE THERE GNATS IN MY ROOM? Ew. Don't want to think about it.
11. I want a Chris. I'm in a constant state of wanting a Chris.
12. My room's a fucking mess. That may be where the gnats are coming from. Not thinking about it.
13. Get me out of this awful school.
14. Schoenberg. The Emancipation of Dissonance. (I so disappointed in my brain right now. Why am I randomly thinking about 12 Tone Serialism?)
15. Seriously, I'm cleaning tonight.

14 reasons why you love the life you live (no matter how small).
1. Music. This list could end right now. Specific to this moment, The Magic Math, and APC and SOAD doing reunion tours (!!!!!!!!!!).
2. Boyfriends that help their girlfriends with programming homework.
3. The best roommates ever. Roommates that will watch ridiculous Japanese horror films with you and also bitch you out for not going to class. Seriously, I live with cooler people than you do.
4. Chilly weather is finally coming. I hate the cold, but I get to wear gloves and drink hot cocoa and cuddle. <3
5. My hair. Is that weird?
6. Friends.
7. iPod.
8. Hugs.
9. Hoodies.
10. Free things.
11. This picture.
12. Random noises and those who will make them with me.
13. Nutella.
14. The fact that this list took super long to make because I kept thinking of stuff that has to do with music.

13 ways to make you smile.
1. Smile at me.
2. Sing with me!
3. Give me a hug.
4. Give me a gig.
5. Mention just about anything involving cute animals.
6. Tickle me.
7. Make an awful pun.
8. Say the work "pelvis". Heh.
9. Tell me about stuff that makes you smile.
10. Accepting a present from me and being genuinely happy about it.
11. Be up for a spontaneous adventure.
12. Ask me for help on theory homework!
13. If all else fails, make me super uncomfortable; I've been told several times that I laugh in awkward situations.

12 of your favorite foods/drinks.
1. Artichokes.
2. Nutella.
3. A plethora of cheeses. 
4. Super pulpy orange juice.
5. Sun Chips.
6. Asparagus.
7. Tomatoes.
8. Peaches.
9. Brownies.
10. Strawberries.
11. Ice cream floats.
12. Chamomile tea.

11 things that make you sad.
1. Awful things happening to undeserving people or things.
2. Homophobia.
3. Sexism.
4. Musicians that are famous for no recognizable reason.
5. Thinking about how much longer Chris and I will have to date long distance.
6. My parents never getting the things that they want.
7. Not being able to help/being in the way.
8. Giving up.
9. Hypocrites.
10. Selfishness.
11. Other people being sad.

10 things you look for in a significant other.
1. Similar taste in music, obviously.
3. Never changing to get people to agree with you or like you. Doubly so when applied to me.
4. Low maintenance, but still smells ok.
5. Dorky?
6. Intelligent, i.e., if he doesn't agree with something, can at least explain his point of view without calling someone gay, punching them, or storming off.
7. Will put up with my constant squealing, flailing, and practicing. Bonus points if you join in.
8. Loves animals.
9. Loves cuddling.

9 guilty pleasures.
1. Romantic cheese.
2. Glee.
3. Incubus.
4. Spice Girls.
5. Mean Girls.
6. Singing along/dancing to awful pop songs because everyone else is singing/dancing.
7. 3am trips to Waffle House.
8. Having a southern accent, even though it's a very light one.
9. A very specific selection of fried things that aren't actually supposed to be fried.

8 celebrities you find handsome/pretty.
1. Maynard James Keenan
2. Karen O
3. Kiera Knightly
4. Jake Gyllenhaal
5. Michael Ealy
6. Shirley Manson
7. Fiona Apple
8. Chris Martin

7 things you like about yourself physically and mentally.
1. I will give the shirt off my back to a complete stranger. This isn't always something I like about myself.
2. My hair.
3. My collar bones. Fuck everyone in middle school who told me they were creepy, they're sexy as hell.
4. I've been told that I give very good hugs.
5. My eyes.
6. My multiple, contradicting interests.
7. I want to make people uncomfortable.

6 things that made you the person you are today.
1. Music. (duh.)
2. My parents.
3. Chris.
4. The neighborhood I grew up in.
5. ASFA.
6. Middle school.

5 songs from your younger years that you used to love.
1. Tyrone by Erykah Badu. I shit you not.
2. Under the Sea from The Little Mermaid
3. Any Spice Girls song.
4. Bug A Boo by Destiny's Child
5. Genie in a Bottle by Christina Aguilera

4 people you trust the most.
1. Dad
2. Mom
3. Chris
4. Myself

3 wishes you would make right now besides more/unlimited wishes.
1. To live comfortably and self-sufficiently as a musician.
2. To live a *little* closer to Chris. Well, if we're talking wishes, to live with Chris. But not now, in a couple more years.
3. To understand when to shut the hell up.

2 names you go by.
1. MegFord, one word.
2. Moford, more recently.

1 goal for the near future.
1. Don't screw up in front of Condoleeezza Rice an such an easy piece.

memes, ennui

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