8 Days Of Happiness Meme → The rules are that for 8 days you have to post something that made you happy that day. Tag 8 people to do the same.
Well, considering the fact that I don't have 8 friends on my flist, everyone who is reading this should totally do it. (Why, yes, I am a lazy bastard.) :]
Day 1: Hm...Introducing Danielle the Dinosaur to xkcd.com with Gumdrop sleeping nearby was pretty fun. XD
http://xkcd.com/231/ <---This one is definitely my favorite.
http://xkcd.com/132/http://xkcd.com/55/http://xkcd.com/311/ <---*pokes Chris* (Who is home! =D)
http://xkcd.com/37/ I'll stop...
In other news...My last jury at ASFA was over Monday at about 1:35, first semester finals are here, and senior year is halfway gone. I'm not really sure how to put into words just how stressed I've been this week with all of the work that's due plus holiday shows. I actually came home from school today, went into my room, and just randomly started crying. It caught me so offguard that I couldn't make myself stop. All of my held back frustration and worry built up over the course of about 4 months, gone in about 10 minutes. And I hate it when I cry. I never feel like I have a good enough reason.
6 more days...that's it. I need a hug. x___x
...Yeeeeeah. *twiddles thumbs*
How are you? :)
[I'm breaking up the shared tag of "The Danielles" up. :(
Danielle Baaa needs a tag now...You should totally be Danielle of the Flying French Penii.]
Edit: I totally forgot to mention that my friend, Sammye, got engaged!! *wordless sqealing* :D
I think this is the first wedding that I'm actually excited about. I finally sort get all of those cheesy movies with all of the girlfriends squealing about their friend getting married. :P