Sep 14, 2006 21:37
I am starting to tell how the people I am meeting here are going to influence my life, or at least how I can imagine them doing so. The acquintances, the friends and those who I will really truly depend on. I am finding that I am quite capable of managing my workload thus far. It is a nice progression, with all of my classes, into the nose to the grindstone college life. At least I am thinking so. Mujtaba is going to get me an application for St.Mary's Hospital. I am going to apply as a float. We had a pre-med club meeting tonight and I am TOTALLY on the right track. I was like "Damn, that is me to a T"
I'm feeling good. Great. This life is amazing; however, I am starting to come to limits with things and it will take a bit more adjusting, but right now things are amazing and I love it. I absolutely love it.