Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis - Part 4

May 29, 2008 23:19

And here's part 4!

As we...uh.. WHEN we last saw our heroes, they were in the jungle searching for a man named Sternheart.

They were just about to enter a temple when giant letters attacked! OH NOES! D:



Man: Far too many ancient ruins have been damaged or even destroyed thanks to the pressence of main characters.
So it's been desided by the Historic Preservation Division to forbid main characters, such as you, to enter any historic site which is under our protection.
You are required to keep a safe distance of atleast two hundered meters from this temple.

Indy: You can't be serious, how can you think that WE'RE responsible for them to-

Man: Then please tell me; how many times have you entered an ancient ruin that DIDN'T collapse?

Indy: er...

T-shirts? Fridge magnets? Car stickers? Key chains? Bottle openers? Calendars? Bookmarks?
Ashtrays? Tin button badges? Coins? Wristbands? Puzzles? Anti-slip pads? Frisbees? Photo frames...

Yay, we found him! :D

And he's British to boot!


I agree with the bird! :D

...SON OF A-

Is that all you can say?
I cannot feel your rage here Indy..

Other than that he's a nazi spy because we know that already.

Yup, that's our guy.

How can someone steal dialog exactly?
Especially LOST dialog?? O_o

*reads choices*...
Wouldn't it make sence to ask this guy some more about the dialog, for example it's contents?
I mean he's the one who translated it after all.

Oh man! Look at Indy's face! "WAKKA WAKKA!" XD

Sternheart: I see dead people... D:
Sophia: Really? Me to! :D

"Yippee-ki-yay" :P


.... Transvestites?

What about men with snakes IN their heads? :D

The bird disagrees.


Hat: And I'm his hat! ROAR! >(


How does she know this? D:

Let's see if we can get in.



So we have to learn the title of it somehow...
I guess we should to go somewhere else then..

But first, let's check the bird out.
I'm getting curious.

Not really much to choose from..

Ah... the classic.

Smart bird

............................ o. o

Please wait a moment

-One Wiki surf later-

Gorblimey, the parrot is CORRECT! O_O

.... I THINK I know what to do.

So let's...

Oh god... XD


This is fun! :D

-Many Hours Later Of Gratuitous Parrot Abuse-
This isn't fun anymore.. D:
The only thing I do is learn what the INCORRECT answers are! D:

Wait a minute... There's one thing I haven't tried yet.

I never choosed the bottom option.




Thanks birdie! :D

It's not THAT hard to talk to a parrot you know...

Oh Sophia don't be so paranoid

Indy: Taking into account that he let me guess the answer who-knows-how-many times.

Indy: ... Oh just becasue I'm the main character you expect me to solve this for you? >:I
Sternheart: Well, yes acually.
Indy: *siiiigh*

Let's see if he has something new to say..


I'm assuming that he's been here for... hours? Days even?
And he haven't found ANYTHING? Not even a secret passageway?
No wonder he needs Indy's help!

Hearing it from you, I'm absolutely sure it's NOT a crypt.


Smells like an item! :D

Damn it
Why is everything against me like this! D:

Let's go back outside... I thought I noticed something.
Besides, I dun wanna hang around-


Hey I didn't notice this before..

Must have


I have a plan damnit!

While standing on Sophias foot I see... :o



I find that sentence creepy somehow..o_o;

Let's try something

Sophia IS usefull after all O:
I'm shocked



So let's go back-

Wait, here's a better idea. Let's get out of here! :D

Bye Sophia! :D

You're no fun Indy... ¬_¬

Allright then *sigh* let's go back

Hey they're still talking, perhaps I can-

Nope, I can't..

Yeah whatever...

I opened the lamp if you are wondering. And yea, he'll notice the "loan" if you do something with it.

OF COURSE he knows what he's doing, he's Indiana Jones! :D

Indy: Um ...Including the spiral.. o_o;

Indy: Uh oh... O_O

So... What am I gonna do with it?


Are you going to do that ALL the time??

Sternheart must be fuming now, I mean he's been here for hours/days and didn't find anything at all as it seems,
while it only took Indy five minutes to find a hidden... er...

Okay, so you were right about that part, big deal..

So what do we do with-



I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing.. :/

So Sternheart DID find something after all... huh.

Well I guess we won't see him again..

Eh let's forget him, that stone thingy probably wans't important anyway..
Let's check out the skeleton instead. :D

Could be... Could not...

Woo! More mystery metal!
If I find a few more and I can make myself a Orichalcum Necklace! :D

Oh poor Sternheart must be crushed.

Well that's it for now
See you all in next episode.

screencappery, screencap adventure, indiana jones

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