Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis - Part 2

Feb 24, 2008 20:55


After Indiana Jones futile attemps of defying Newton's law of gravity, he managed to find the mysterious acient statue candy dispenser that his friend Marcus had found somewhere.

But when Indy returned to his office it got stolen by a blond haired man calling himself 'Smith'. (who's true identity was later exposed as Klaus Kerner, an undercover spy from the third reich)

Forutnatly for our heroes, in his escape through a window, not only did he drop his wallet containing his driver's license and a few German Reichsmarks, he had also dropped a magazine containing pictures of Indy with some woman named Sophia Hapgood (mind out of the gutter people! JEEZ).

Intruiged about the nazis interest in old statues he (DRESSED AS A LAWYER! D: ) drives of to New York to find Sophia before the nazis do.

And we're back!

You and me both Indy.
And for those who are wondering what Indy's voice (Doug Lee) sounds like, here's finally a clip!:D

As you all can see at the bottom, we now have an action menu and an item box. YAY! :D
And instead of the text appearing above the pointer like in the introduction sequence, it has been moved to appear in that black line in the middle.

Allright Let's go find Sophia and...
Hey can you see what it reads on the large sign right above Indy? How conveeeeenient... :D


... :D

.......... :D


let's try something else then...

Er... it's night Indy.


We know you're just saying that cause you couln't get in.

Well it was worth a try..

*Meanwhile back at the universety the hat is waiting by the phone for a call from Indy*
Hat: D;

Hey what's this?




Let's check the door.

Well that was easy. :D

...Why is he backing up?
Oh NOW I remember!
There are actually three ways to get into the building.
The first option is to move the crates around to make a path to the ladder.
The crate puzzle is probably the simplest way to get in, but it's not as much fun in my opinion.
And the other two options..

.. is through THIS GUY.

Like I said there are two ways to get past him.
The first option is to use your brain and talk your way in,
and the second option is to use your fists and try to knock him out.
I'm gonna go for the brain version cause I'm a bit rusty at fighting.

Maybe.. >.>

Isn't that an item in a monkey island game? O.o


The awesome part about the game is that the dialogue can sometimes change.
It mostly depends on in what order you talk.

I tried but...

Life and nazis *snort* XD
Naah let's try something else.

Really? Perhaps we should use this to our advantage.. ;D

I should be careful though, don't wanna make him mad and all..

Um.. er..

oh dear


Don't hurt me!
I don't even know what obfuscate meeeans! D:


Yes Indy he is.. D:

*sigh* Let's try this again...

Oh great... He's still mad at me.

I suddenly had a thought..

The intelectual way didn't work out so well for me so..

So why not try a different approach :D

He only caught me of guard, I didn't expect him to attack me so suddenly.
But this sime I'm prepared for him.

Let's get it on!

Say hello to my fist!


... Well I did say that I was a bit rusty. T_T

That's true actually.

Let's try it again.

We go all this way to apologize..

..only to once again insult him in the face! :D


I'm gonna get you this ti.. WHAT?!!?
I don't start the battle with full health!? O_o

Isn't it great that you have to wait a while for the health bar to regnerate before engaging in another fist fight or you will star with lesser health? :D

Sorry Indy, I'm far to annoyed to try something else...D:<


*recoils* Eeep!

And after a while of waiting..


Full healh! Allright!


I forgot to recharge... yeah.. <.<




Allright that's it.. Time to resort to desperate measures!

oh no he didn't! :O



And the whole screen begins to shake! O.o

Yea.. There's a instant KO move that you can use, [Insert] knocks 'em out in one blow..

Same here actually
I just wanted to knock him down atleast once just to show you all
But NOOOOOO, not only did I fail at it miserably, I even went all the way and used the instant KO! -_-
I'm not proud of that fact becasue personally I see that as cheating.
So in the future I'm gonna try to avoid using that move.

Right, I'm going to get in using the head this time, as I was planning to do in the first place.
So let's load a previous save. :D

Er... What? O_o

So temted to choose third option...

This part we know allready

Not falling for that again






YAY and we're in! Huzzah!
I'm guessing that Sophia is the one on stage...

But let's see what the this guy has to say first.

Uh oh..


That's his name? Good to know.. I guess.


Let's see..

Indy: Allright, I need to speak to "Madame Sophia to us employees".
Stagehand: *facefault*

I try to talk to Sophia but he stops me..

But I always wanted to do Hamlet on stage D:

And we do just that

Guy in audience: ATLANTIS IS IN NEW YORK?!?! :O

Though to me it looks more like some add for seamonkeys..


used animals as house appliances and drove foot-powered cars...


Hawaii? :o

Please tell me you're joking! D:

Let's talk to him again

Oh joy

I'm guessing that they went into space with their city-sized spaceship.. :P
(can someone guess the refference?)

Atlanteans: D:

Atlantis go down the hooooole.

Nope, he's just ignoring you. :B

Well I guess we have to do something about that :D

Oh come on!

I guess we have to ditch the stagehand somehow..


Scaring the audience with a white sheet that resembles a giant ghost rabbit... Now THATS what I call showbusiness! :D

Ooooh I belive we are getting somewhere O:

Let's see here...

FINE have the newspaper instead D:

*sigh* There goes my plan to fold it into a boat...

He does a little spin...

...and then leaves. yay!

FINALLY we can talk to-


So now what am I gonna do?

Are you pondering what I'm pondering?

And after some messing around the lights turn green and the "ghost" starts glowing.


Ghost: Sup, yo?

Indy: You remember me YAY! :D

Indy: :B

Ghost: *tear*

Oh dear! o_o


I'm beginning to wonder if that was a good idea.. She looks quite angry o_o()

Atleast we can talk to Sophia now


And this is where we end this chapter! :D

Will Indy finally learn the secret of the statue?
Will he always be dressed like that?
that and more will be answered in the next chapter of Indiana Jones and the fate of Atlantis!


screencappery, screencap adventure, indiana jones

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