Title: Tiptoe
Author: MegTDJ
Category: Drabble
Rating: K
Pairing: Implied Daniel/Janet; Daniel/Cassie father/daughterishness.
Spoilers: Rite of Passage
Summary: He felt completely helpless.
Disclaimer: Stargate SG-1, its universe and its characters are not mine. The story itself is, however, so please don’t archive without my permission.
Author’s notes: Another drabble for Dan/Jan Day!
Daniel tiptoed into Cassie’s room. It was his first chance to see her all day, as he’d been working around the clock to find a way to save her.
Not that he couldn’t have made the time. He’d just been dreading seeing her in pain. Besides, what could he say when she looked at him with those soulful eyes and asked what was happening?
He had no answers. Not for Cassie, not for Janet. He felt completely helpless.
Tears flooded his eyes as he watched her sleep.
“Don’t die,” he whispered. “Please.”
He kissed her burning forehead and tiptoed away.
The End