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Aug 01, 2005 13:25

hmmm, im bored
i've been reading WICKED(the book) and its so0o0oo different from the play
i was like wow, Philosophy Club, not what i was thinking of...
sooo francescas at Broadway camp having an awesome time. im a little jealous, lolllllll
im going to acting camp next week, but im nervous. What if everyone is so much better than me?? what if i have no friends?? what if...
i could go on for dayssssssss
alyssa is coming over later today. i missed her SO much. lol, but she had to go and get herself grounded. dumb kid
but shes off groundation now and i am veryyyy happy about it
meghan and deven are leaving on satuday. i will miss them. but we'll see them again at christmas.
My uncle(actually my step-uncle but who cares??) came on saturday(after we came home from a party at my aunt and uncles house. its quite interesting when you add 175 adults + 4 kegs + a band + a bar. The result is a bunch of drunk people dancing ad spilling beer all over each other. it was very amusing. Especially how they all wanted us to dance. Ptsh yea right. im not letting my uncle spill beer on my head.) so anyway, my step uncle came and he brought us 2 portable DVD players as gifts!! so me and madie are sharig one and meg and dev are sharing one! i was like wowwwwwwwww, thats VERY generous.
hes in westfield right now w/ meg, dev, and madie. i couldnt go because i reallt dont feel good at all today. And all of a sudden, 2 families call me and ask me to watch their dogs this week. So im watching Annie and Nelly at one house, and Zoey at Brians house.
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