We just finished our second concert this weekend, and it was definitely the better of the two!
The first one was last night out in Millington (a pretty fer piece from where we live), and there was a total of MAYBE fifteen people there!! GRRR! You never can tell with gospel singings, but there was also a tornado warning out for that area, so what can ya do! But you'd think these people who journeyed out and braved the weather to see the concert would at the very least be into it. Such was not the case, however, as they were about as active as knots on a log. At one point my Pawpaw even said, "Is anyone alive?"
The answer is no......they weren't. At least, not as far as I could tell! This is the case a lot of times in the southern gospel industry, and it always amazes me how they flock to you when it's over to tell you how much they enjoyed it. Really?? I couldn't tell. We're singing about the Lord, people......get HAPPY!! I always try to support other groups we sing with by clapping and singing along and such.....honestly, it's hard to be up there performing your heart out to a bunch of blank stares.
But anyways, tonight we had a benefit singing near home, and it was so wonderful! We were singing with another group who are dear friends of ours, and the crowd was phenomenal!! More than fifteen!! YAY!! Way more, actually. We debuted one of the new songs off our album, and it got a good response, and also performed our new signature song, "Long As I Got King Jesus"! People love that song, and it really gets the crowd going. It gives me a chance to put a little "soul" into our program, too, so it's all good. We also got the two groups together and did some songs that way, which surprisingly turned out really well, and was so fun!
So that was my weekend so far....concerts galore! At least none of my stalkers showed up to either of the singings. That's always a plus! Here's an explanation of just ONE of my stalkers from an old Xanga entry :
This, unfortunately, is one of the locations of my wierdo stalkers! LOL! One of my dad's (he sings in the group) bits on stage is about how I'm single and they're taking applications and bids. HA HA....no really, I do not find this funny at all, and have asked him to stop several times.....but no, he keeps on keepin' on. But I digress.....for some odd reason, the creepiest guys are attracted to me. I mean honestly, I am 25.....do I want a man who is probably nearly 50, and looks like he's straight out of Deliverance??? NO! I am telling you, this dude is something else. He's always sneaking up and taking these pictures of me unawares....I shudder to think what he is doing with them. I mean, honestly, I am picturing in my head, a room plastered with pictures of me, and he's sitting there staring at them and putting lipstick on LOL!! Sort of a' la Billy Madison. The man does not need my picture.....and why didn't he just ask instead of walking up and just snapping it?? If he smiles at me one more time , revealing his one tooth....I might vomit!
I have another stalker who is much more persistent than this guy.....he's "married" and keeps telling me he wants to hook me up with his son. Uh hello, nobody's ever seen your son or this mysterious wife! He leers at me a lot and tries to hug me too.....YIKES!
I'm preparing an entry listing out all my current obsessions (there are so many), as I am wont to do from time to time. I'm also working on my year-end wrapup (funness!!)!
I said I'd share some album pics with you guys, so here ya go!