Oct 15, 2006 19:43
Aye chihuahua! I never thought it would happen! I, me, moi........has an LJ!! I know, it's insane. As if total obsession with myspace isn't enough...now I have to go and find something new to take up every stitch of my time and make me sit up until all hours of the night. Why do I do these things to myself? Oh yeah, I don't....my cousin introduces me to all sorts of insanity (yeah you Erin, but I loves you!). So, like, what do you even put in a first post? Hello, hi, howdy, hey y'all? Well, ok, all that then! Now, on with the journal part of this thing....
So, here's what's in the cards for the rest of my night:
A. watch Desperate Housewives
B. search for more icons on the commercial breaks (my new obsession....I am sooooo an icon freak)
C. chat on Messenger while simultaneously doing A & B
D. wash clothes for work tomorrow
E. go walking (yay, I'm trying to get fit!)
F. look for a video of the day and/or news story to post for The Chocolate Frog
I know, long night ahead.....therefore, thus ends the first post. Have a great day tomorrow, peeps!