Mar 16, 2007 09:47
Oh, the life of an adult: managing accounts, filing taxes (city income, city residential?), depositing funds, balancing, timing chains, stop lights, wages, tip reporting, signing in, logging off. At some point in my early adulthood, or perhaps in my late childhood, I decided I wouldn't mind being a nun and living in a convent. Is that funny to hear me say? But imagine! No worries about bills or house fires, no men trouble, and I expect I would eventually get over the lack of the romantic/sexual. I would pray, read (though probably not everything I'd want), work in a garden, work in a neighborhood ("Sister Act" anyone?), sing in the choir, go to bed and get up early. What a lovely and quiet life that would be.
Or, another option is to drop everything and run away to some little town in Mexico, or an atoll in the South Pacific, and survive somehow on rice and fish. Maybe I'd get a job as a cashier in a grocery store, or maybe I'd take in laundry. I'd rent a one room apartment attached to someone's two room house and live, quietly, reflectively, anti-socially and be free of all the adult responsibilities that tax my life. No more fights with the neighbors! No more visits to the vet! No more car registration or parking tickets!
But let's think about what I would be giving up. I'd be giving up, of course, the love of my life, my husband and all the wonderful things that come with his companionship. I'd be giving up my emails to R because the internet and a computer, even electricity! definitely would not be in my sparse budget. We could correspond via regular mail, but do atolls have post offices? Where would I buy stamps, not to mention envelopes? I'd give up my mother, my brothers and my sister. I'd give up the wineries I love so much, my cooking hobby, my scrapbooking. No more visits to Aunt Sue's, no more presents on my birthday. For if I was connected to the loved ones in my life enough to receive a birthday card, I may as well start paying my bills again.
There must be some other way to streamline my life. What can I get rid of? I'm working on paying off my debt, and the first step to that that I've successfully mastered is not getting into any more debt. When that is done, a level of simplicity will be added. I'd like to get rid of my house, with it's faulty electrical and it's once-upon-a-time-pool in the backyard. I would LOVE to ditch my car, and maybe someday I'll live in a place with a) decent year round weather and b) decent public transportation. That would get rid of the registration due yearly.
Getting myself caught up in all of life's accoutrements took me a little bit and it will take me a little bit to free myself of them. Someday my life will be simple: me, husband, dog, roof, books, typewriter, food. Could I be that fortunate, and, more importantly, is that what I really want?