(no subject)

Sep 22, 2010 01:31

I is. Um. Tipsy? Drunk, according to friends. Which makes me a light weight, cuz, hald a cruiser made me wheee. Total of the night is two cruisers, raspberry and blueberry, plus a few sips of passionfruit cruiser, and a few sips of midori and lemondae, plus like, 4, 5 shots of midiori straight. And yeah.

I made daisy chains fpr all my girlfriends. and found raas diadem daisy chain that lily made him. And yeah. Um. mixed pasionfruit and bluberry to see if it'd go green and it did and it also tasetd awesome. and too lazt to type and correct and stuff and yeah. meh. lily said I was beautiful abd it was very touching but she was also drunk but yeah. very nice seeing as we usually just tsun ar each other/.

Mm. should sleep. but eh. No school cuz wheee Graduated bitches. Just the HSC to do and I is done with high school completely. Need to fix up stuff with UAC tomorrow before work. Eh.

Just gunna lie here and enjou the buzz. Ily guys.
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