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Jan 14, 2006 12:58

So Monday and Friday were the only two days I went to school this week, which made the week go by incredibly fast, especially since thursday's the only day I remember clearly. I had my teeth extracted Monday night. I thought I was going to have four taken out but they only did two, which was good. I was so scared. The nurse, who's name was Coco, was really sweet though. Me, being terrified of needles and veins, explained to her why I was petrified. She tried to talk me down and gave me three shots, while she was giving them to me, I was crying and shaking. My dad didn't leave my side until I got into the big, scary chair. Then they gave me the shot to make me really woozy and unaware and I was cool when he left. Though, for a shot that's suppose to make me unaware, I was pretty aware through the extractions. I got whipped in the face with the thread they used to stich me up. But when I got out, I was gone. My dad walked me to the car and I got in. I couldn't feel my face for the rest of the night, weird feeling. Tuesday I was on pain killers. Good times, just wish I could remember most of it. I know I went to the doctor's, which was in Dartmouth. I brought my camera and for some reason, found beauty in absolutely everything. The pictures are hilarious. Got home, time passed (don't remember) and then I called Cory. I have no recollection of what we talked about. Wednesday I stayed home again and my mother and father were in the hospital, Daddy had his eye socket rebuilt with titanium. While I was at home alone, I noticed that the world, even when my eyes were shut, wouldn't stop spinning and I was really sick and itchy. So I thought, just lay down and go to sleep. But while I was doing that I realized I forgot to remind myself to breathe, and then that people don't need to remind themselves to breathe. Oh baby, I was allergic to my pain killers! Interesting experience.
OH! Then Thursday I recovered and Nicole and Kendra came in. Cole has her license now, god help us all. So we drove around for a good two hours. Destroyed a car, almost had the cops called on us for stalking:P oh it was good times. Then I went to school....which was absolute hell trying to catch up with everything, then to Cory's, then home. Now I have piles of homework to do before I go out with Oolie tonight, and to Big Bunch tomorrow. Busy busy weekend.
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