Hello to Everyone!:D

Jun 10, 2006 11:32

Look at me! I'm awake and I'm updating!!! (I'm a little bit excited).

So yes...what has happened with me lately? Well, since it looked like it was you know, either prom or food there for a while (money can be tight) we asked my grandfather to help. Not only did he not help...he lied (yeah, like one of the richest people I know doesn't have the $ to help out), and then he went on and on about how my dad was a failure and lots of things that were just meant to sting....can anyone say asshole? No? How about selfish? Still no? Unloving? Cruel....take your pick...all can describe him. Anyways, that ended up turning into.."Why can't Megan have what her grandmother left her?" and "Why can't we see the goddam will?" and "Who the hell do you think you are to take something away from her?"....all not so fun convos. So my dad ended up not being able to trust him with absolutely anything so we skipped half of school the next day to go down and get our bonds from him. The next day, we went to the bank...and I opened my first bank account!!! I cashed in three of my bonds that had matured...and got almost $600! woo hoo! Go me! Really trying to use as less as I possibly can for prom but it's sooo hard! And THAT brings me to yesterday.

Yesterday I went to the mall, and Wal-Mart, and Winners, and Sears...yeah, everywhere. Sears was first...we initially went in to find me a pair of shoes for prom, but when we were browsing, many worked but they were too hard for me to walk in...Me! Queen of walking in high heels! So yeah, we browsed around and I found these shoes that were really bright, really cool, very 80's....yeah. So I though...never in a million years will I be able to buy these.....look at the bottom.....THEY WERE TWO DOLLARS!!! I was sooo happy! It would've been a crime not to buy them! :D So I did!:D
Then we went to Winners...fell in love with SO many shoes...the ones that would fit were WAY too expensive...and the ones that wouldn't were perfect to match my dress for prom...so we got nothing there. Went to Wal-Mart and found absolutely nothing.
so then...we went to the mall. Didn't find any shoes...but I did find my purse, my necklace, my earings, my bracelet, my little shawly sash thing, and gloves! And I got them all! Shoes and a tiara are LITERALLY the only things I have to worry about now!:D
So yeah...then I went to MacDonalds and I was pretty sure my mother and I were going to be shot...in fact, the manager was sure....so that sucks. But I wasn't so YAY!

Other than that...I saw Rumour has it.....amazing movie! I watched it last night and I already want to watch it again.

Anywho...I miss Cory and Nathaniel. i won't be able to see either of them this weekend, or the next weekend....or even throughout the week, makes me very sad.
And you know what scares the hell out of me? Only 5 more days of school left before it ends...for me....forever. I'm really very scared. Other than that....stressed about one of the only projects I have left, the two seminars I need to get caught up on, and exams.
So...I'm going to start working on that project now, then hopefully we go to Bedford, then I get my haircut...hopefully.
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