
Oct 14, 2014 21:39

Our weekend together felt so short this past week. He didn't get home til after midnight on Friday. Happily I killed most of my evening at St Francis with Hesa, Nathan, Tiffany, Forrest's mom and the triad celebrating the birth of Alexander Salamander! It's such a special thing to see such a young baby just freshly welcomed into the world. And with so much love in the room, I was positively buzzing from the day.

Which was only made better when Hesa and I finally left to go get dinner and a celebratory drink at CapAle. JoAnne was behind the bar and though we didn't get a whole lot of time to catch up, she did at least share a recent moment with my ex when he was up there.

She prefaced it by saying she didn't want to start drama but that he'd been in recently and he's broken up with his gf. I confirmed I already knew that. Then she said how as they were talking he brought the subject around to me. He said, "I hear she's happy." JoAnne enthusiastically confirmed this with, "Oh she's VERY happy. They've moved into a house together and everything." That was about the point he grumpily went back to his drink with a signature "hmmph."

I know it's petty, but I felt such joy in that moment knowing that he knows that I'm happy. After a decade of sadness... I needed some joy in my life. Like I told Hesa afterwards, I really don't care what happens to him from now on... If he meets and marries someone, good for him. I only just didn't want him to end up with the girl he rubbed in my face barely a month after my father had died. So cruel...

But that chapter of my life is blissfully closed.

As for my boyfriend - I was asleep before he got home and Saturday morning didn't leave us much time together since he had to go back to work around noon and I had a wedding photo shoot at 2pm. I did at least manage to ravish him before he got ready, after a week of being on my period and not being able to be intimate. But then we were apart for 10 hours on one of our precious days "off." I came home and regardless of being worn out, I poured myself a drink and suggested we watch "The World's End." By the end of the movie we were both past tipsy and ended up getting into another tickle fight like the one from September and talked until after three in the morning.

There were several moments cuddled up on our bed together, the blanket over our heads like a mini-fort, that we were again professing our love for one another, it felt like all I could do not to blurt out "Oh let's just get married!"

At one point earlier when the movie just ended, we stood up from the couch and he hugged me so right he lifted me up and gave me kisses, but then had to run to the restroom. Haha When he came back though, he immediately embraced me again and with a big grin on his face he said, "How cool is it that we LIVE together?!"

Sunday morning was leisurely enough - I got up and made us Kona coffee that Anchal and Namrata brought back from Hawaii for us, and plates full of eggs, bacon, toast and hash browns. We watched a little football while we ate and then realizing we still had two hours to kill before we had to get ready to volunteer at the Folk Fest, I once again instigated things between us.

We haven't been as intimate lately as we once were just because our schedules are so opposite during the week... So maybe I had baby fever, but I felt like I couldn't get enough of him this weekend.

Anyway, once we finally left the house we had a two hour shift at the end of the FolkFest. We got to see Chris and Richard and I was once again gifted an awesome paper bag hat from Chris. And Andrew got to see my goofy manic side come out as I enticed people with our giveaway free reusable branded bags. He seemed to have a genuinely good time and it was so refreshing to have him tag along with me. He's such an amazing teammate.

After the Folk Fest, I drove us to southside for a couple hours with little Xander before we had to wrap the weekend up. At least we got out of the house a little this time, but I'm so hoping his work won't get in the way this weekend for us to enjoy a full one doing fun fall things together. And also hoping this cold I picked up will be gone by then. *fingers crossed*
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