First off.. I want to say how much I enjoyed the senoir play. It was just adorable!!! I think about ten minutes into it I started smiling and just couldn't stop. So cute! I was so impressed with everyone in it, they did such a wonderful job.
Anyway.. besides that (even though I'm still one big smile) Today was quite good.. one class then I hopped in the car and came home. The drive was rather uneventful(thank GOD!) and I'm very glad to be home. I'm lookig forward to work tomorrow (I'm a big nerd.. I know) but I like workin'. For now though.. I'm going to enjoy my home-ness by relaxing on my wonderful couch with a good book, a hot-pocket, and a cherry 7Up.
Oh yeah...
Yuoo ere-a zee Svedeesh Cheff!
Yuoo ere-a a guud cuuk, thuoogh yuoo cun't speek Ingleesh fery vell. Bork Bork Bork!
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