101 in 1001

Nov 09, 2007 11:17

Originally posted December 5, 2005

101 in 1001
The Mission:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).

Why 1001 Days?
Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as new year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.

Some common goal setting tips:
1. Be decisive. Know exactly what you want, why you want it, and how you plan to achieve it.
2. Stay Focused. Any goal requires sustained focus from beginning to end. Constantly evaluate your progress.
3. Welcome Failure. Frequently, very little is learned from a venture that did not experience failure in some form. Failure presents the opportunity to learn and makes the success more worthy.
4. Write down your goals. It clarifies your thinking and reinforces your commitment.
5. Keep your goals in sight. Review them frequently, and ensure that they are always at the forefront of your thinking.

Calculating the End Date:
You can easily find out when your project will end by using this handy tool at timeanddate.com.

101 in 1001 days list
By: Tuesday, September 2, 2008

1. Let my hair grow as long as I can stand it. (In process!)
2. Go to college. (Check)
3. Read a book without stopping until it's finished. (Check- A Southern Belle's Primer)
4. Pay for the order of the person behind me in a drive thru.
5. Go to the gym at least three times a week for three consecutive weeks. (Check- Summer 07)
6. Take a clear picture of lightning.
7. Drive in a convertible with the windows down.
8. Buy something for someone online and mail it to them as a surprise. (Check- John's Jelly Bellies)
9. Donate blood.
10. Get my favorite digital camera pictures developed. (Check! Come see my album!)
11. Get a public library card.
12. Learn to read music.
13. Eat a piece of fruit everyday for a month. (Check- September 07)
14. Dye my hair brown. (Check, kind of. Bad idea...)
15. Drink only water for a full month.
16. Go to another state (not including Florida.) (Check! Miss State with MC)
17. Donate over $40 to a good cause.
18. Learn how to use Photoshop.
19. Break 150 when bowling.
20. Master the art of cooking one good dinner meal. (Check- Portuguese soup.)
21. Go 30 days without fast food.
22. Memorize 5 important phone numbers.
23. Get at least one other person to make their own 101 list. Completed 12/8/05 by Lauren Korleski (once_a_cracker)
24. Keep the house clean without being asked to do so.
25. Learn to French braid my own hair. (Check)
26. Organize my makeup.
27. Send postcards to the FAB4 once a month.
28. Send Christmas cards with personal notes to 20 people.
29. See someone famous. (Check- Bush, MANDY MOORE & Rachael Ray)
30. See another play on Broadway.
31. Do something that really scares me.
32. Golf a full 9 holes with Jordan.
33. Get re-CPR certified.
34. Get my name in the newspaper. (Check- in WORLDWIDE news)
35. Volunteer at the Christian Mission.
36. Spend an entire day by myself.
37. Update my planner everyday.
38. Learn one really good joke.
39. Post something on LiveJournal at least every other day for 5 months.
40. Plant something and keep it alive.
41. Learn all the words to a new cd in two days.
42. Say "Sure, why not?" and mean it.
43. Learn to drive stick shift.
44. Clean out my closet and donate clothes I don't wear. (Check)
45. Serve someone breakfast in bed.
46. Learn all the state capitals.
47. Burn all the songs on my computer onto CDs.
48. Send a secret to PostSecret.
49. Take a picture everyday.
50. Keep my second holes in my ear ... holes.
51. Buy enough picture frames to cover a whole wall. (Check! Dorm room bliss.)
52. Draw something, frame it and hang it on a wall. (Check)
53. Keep up with all of my AP homework.
54. Write J a serious letter letting him know how much I appreciate him.
55. Graduate as valedictorian. (Check)
56. Design a house.
57. Go on a vacation, no matter how short, just Sara, Sarah, Melinda and I.
58. Go to a day spa. (Check- Summer 07)
59. Pick out the names of my future kids and pets. (Check- I'm naming my kid "King" and he's going to have a horrible complex in the sandbox but I love it.)
60. Watch a marathon of reruns until it goes off.
61. Loose all the weight I've gained.
62. Go shopping with Jaime at market. (Check)
63. Learn enough Spanish to hold a basic conversation.
64. Organize all of my photographs into albums or scrapbooks.
65. Learn to play tennis competitively. (Check)
66. Make 5 new LJ friends.
67. Learn to play a musical instrument.
68. Stay off the internet for one full week.
69. Buy a houndstooth peacoat.
70. Tape my friends while we are just hanging out.
71. Choose a career goal. (Check!!)
72. Repaint my room. Twice.
73. Climb a tall tree.
74. Drink no carbonated beverages for one month.
75. Wear no jeans for two weeks.
76. Convince myself into getting a hybrid car.
77. Make my bed every day for 4 months.
78. Learn to play the guitar well enough to impress at least one person.
79. Smile everytime I go into the hallway.
80. Spend the night in another city. (Check- Starkville)
81. Go on a picnic. (Check)
82. Watch all the Harry Potter movies.
83. Play in the snow.
84. Stop getting taller.
85. Make jewelry that I like to wear.
86. Win a ping pong competition.
87. Go to an important sporting event.
88. Try Tae-Kwon-Do again.
89. Buy all of the CD's of the bands that I like instead of burning them.
90. Floss every day.
91. Help with a play.
92. Fall in love everyday, over and over again.
93. Forget things that happened along time ago that have been burdens.
94. Make my senior year unforgettable. (Check!)
95. Compliment a stranger at least once a week.
96. Keep in touch after high school with at least 7 people weekly.
97. Leave an impression on someone.
98. Tip someone 100%.
99. Take Mr. Bill out to dinner and thank him for all his hard work over the years.
100. Spend a week with Lauren and Beth.
101. Make a new list.
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