Baby Baby Baby Bring Me Down. I Wanna Be Right Where You Are...

Sep 12, 2006 11:18

Okay so...let me just say that...

I loooove my new job haha.

The people there??? Amazing.

I am training with 20 other people who also got the job through some sort of temp. agency and they are all sooo nice and welcoming and funny and everything I love haha. They are going to make it hard to miss BK that's for sure.

As soon as we got into our training room, without ever talking before in our lives, Beth, Nicole, Alan, Angie & I sat at the same table.

OMG haha. Beth is flipping hilarious, Nicole is funny too, Alan is h-o-t-t and really nice, and Angie was kind of anti-social but she laughed at things we said and she added some stuff in occasionally and she was cool.

Angie ended up moving when we got to the computers and a girl Amy moved next to me and Beth. She's funny too. Beth & I sat next to each other at the computers. I have nobody on my left side and she's on my right side. And then next to her is Amy, next to her is Nicole, and next to her is Alan haha.

During the evening/night, I would look over and Alan & I would make eye contact and smile. I would catch him looking over so I would look over haha.

I don't think I have laughed that hard in a looong time. OMG. The things Beth says are just so freaking hilarious. I can't help but like...cry because I am laughing so hard.

From like 11pm-Midnight, all I did was laugh haha. I would look over and Alan would make this really weird/funny face and just do random things to make me laugh haha. It was amazing.

The work seems like it could be a little difficult but that's what I like. I like a job that actually challanges your brain. Unlike Burger King. But like...the worksheets our trainer Tim gave us, I flew through them. Beth & I worked as a pair even though he didn't tell us to haha. But he didn't care either. So we always were done first and we knew how to do everything. I think it will be good.

Towards the end of the night Beth & I got huuuuge headaches. And then...since it was getting late and everyone was getting tired, we were getting restless and like...just laughing for no reason at all haha.

Oh, and, I am most definitely the youngest one there. Now I feel like I have something to prove to the older people.

Buttttt...I felt good last night because I am more skilled on computers than most of them so I was helping them with the answers. Like, I would go to their computers, show them where to find the answer, and stuff like that. So I don't think they like...think I'm some dumb teenager or something.

Beth is 31, Amy is 21, Nicole is close to 40, and Alan is 23 or 24. So a couple of them aren't TOO much older than me but they are still older. The other 15 people I don't know too much about haha. I am kind of sticking with my group of friends that I made.

So's good. Really good. I saw Lynn like every half hour haha. I would walk by her desk or she would walk by the training room. Her desk & the room are like...15 feet away from each other haha. I saw French. She gave me a hug when she saw me. I saw Ryan. He was standing up in his cubicle and he just pointed at me with his mouth open haha. It was funny. He's such a nerd. =)

So yeah, good times. Alright well, I think that's all I have to say. Get to do the same thing today and for 2 more weeks. I will always have this schedule though. 315pm-Midnight but I like it.

Okay...I will update again later sometime. Bye! Love you!

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