Nov 21, 2005 18:36
1. i hate coming home from work.
2. ive been in a terrible mood lately, well since today.
3. my dad yells like there is no tomorrow
4. i wish i had my dog back.
5. i always fall into slumps during the wintertime maybe its winter-induced depression. nah im too cool for that.
6. maybe im just psycho?
7. i can name at least 25 instances during the day when i just want to cry.
8. i hate my skin
9. i want to cry right now.
10. somebody make me a good cd, pleaseee. seriously.
11. im not eating another one of my mothers meals again because i dont want to.
12. i hate taking tests in school.
13. i really want toby back
14. itll be the first christmas with her in a box.
15. have you ever had a dog in a box?
16. will you love me?
my aunt just got diagnosed with stage four lung cancer, pray for her. i am. so you should because you always do what i do, i dont even need to tell you anymore. but seriously.
so lets see what sucks for me lately...not much but i dont understand math, i have two tests tomorrow in the hardest subjects in carroll's history. (exaggerate much?) now listen. i dont get math, i dont get lit. i suck at life, i should just quit. syke naw im a poet read that again, slower. so in math i took upon the ritual of writing myself notes. or "letters" ..inspirational ones at that..where i call myself fat, a loser, pathetic, ugly, and tell myself to quit everything and go die.. not that i want to, just that thats probably my best option right now.
hah im kidding.
i hate you. im not happy. look what you fucking did.