Mar 02, 2007 09:00
Well, this is my first weekend in a couple that I am not heading down to New Orleans and I'm not totally sure what I am supposed to do. Spring Break isn't for another week and I have no dire commitments to anything. I'm not even that excited about Spring Break. I mean, yeah, it's nice to have a break from school, but I have only been here for 6 days out of the past 14. Not that I like being here...but what is going home going to do? Probably upset me more. Grieving is a strange process, and I guess it is different in every case. I can't figure out where my head is the majority of the time lately. I guess i'm just lost for now. I miss him...but I don't know how to. Do I not think about it so I don't cry? Or do I smile and think, wow...he isn't sick and suffering anymore? It's so confusing. For now I guess I just act like I'm ok, so I don't bring anyone else down with me. I just need some advice. Suggestions?
Off to find a happy place...