Dec 15, 2005 08:50
Known as: Meghan, Meg, Megs, Meggers, Meggie, Megster, Megaroober,
Lives in: Dayton, OH
Birthday: 04/20/1985. There, now I should expect presents. ;o)
School: Wright State University
Religion: Catholic
Hair color: Brown.
Eye color: Blue.
Style: simple... give me jeans and a hoodie anyday.
* section 2 - have you ever... *
Been Cheated on?: Yes.
Fallen off the bed?: Yeah, at BG... not fun at all.
Broken someones heart?: I don't think so
Had your heart broken?: umm, I don't think so.
Had a dream come true?: I don't know... I hardly remember my dreams.
Done something you regret?: Who hasn't? But I learn from my mistakes and try to move on.
* section 3 - currently
Wearing?: black shorts and my Kleptz YMCA Summer Fitness Challenge t shirt.
Listening to?: Good Morning America
Located?: Bedroom
Chatting with?: ummm, my dad and my siblings... THEY get snowdays.. damn.
Watching?: this
Should REALLY be doing? still sleeping.
* section 4 - do you... *
Brush your teeth?: Yes.
Have any piercings?: ears
Drive?: Yes.
Drink?: sometimes..
Got a cell?: Yep.
* section 5 - the last person you... *
Hugged?: I don't even know.
IMed?: Zak.
Talked on the phone: My dad
Yelled at?: my sister
High fived?: I don't even know!
* section 6 - personal *
What do you want to be when you finish college?: I want to be successful, living in Cincinnati and teaching highschool English at St. Xavier highschool.
What has been the best day of your life?: There are a few.
What comes first in your life?: Family/Friends
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? No
What are you most scared of?: Failure and disappointment
What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: lots of stuff
Did u lose someone you really loved?: No
How many times have you fallen in love?: Never.
Love your family?: Obviously
Love your friends?: Yes.
* section 7 - favorite *
Movie: Notting Hill
Song: any Christmas music
Store: Old Navy
Relative: Uncle Bob.
Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Fruit: Peaches
Candy: anything chocolate
Day of the Week: Thursday
Time: morning
Color: Orange
Name for a Girl: Morgan
Name for a Boy: Braden
* section 8 - do you *
Like to give hugs?: Sometimes.
Like to give kisses?: ummm, only to my family
Like to walk in the rain?: yes!
Prefer black or blue pens?: Blue
Like to travel?: YES.
Sleep on your side, stomach or back?: Stomach
Have a goldfish?: when I was little
Ever have the falling dream?: Heck yes!
Have stuffed animals?: A few.
* section 9 - what do you think about... *
Abortion: It should be illegal unless someone's life is in Jeopardy.
Suicide: It's ridiculous.
Smoking: Disgusting, harmful to EVERYONE in the area, ugly, pointless, expensive, cancerous.
Summer: FUN
Tattoos: They're stupid
Piercings: only in ears.
* section 10 - this or that *
Pierced nose or tongue?: grody.
Single or taken?: single
7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek?: 7th Heaven
Sugar or salt?: Sugar
Silver or gold?: Silver
Chocolate or flowers?: FLowers
Color or Black-and-white photos?: black and white
M&Ms or Skittles?: M&M's.. skittles are grody
Stay up late or sleep in?: Saty up late
Hot or cold?: hot
Mustard or ketchup?: ketchup
Spring or Fall?: Fall
Happy or sad?: happy
Wonder or amazement?: amazement
Mexican or Italian: ITALIAN
Candy or Soda?: Soda
Pepsi or Coke?: Coke.. but I haven't drank one is a LOOOOOONG time.