I haven't been getting email notifications *kicks LJ*. A whole heap came through at once today so when I get a few minutes I will sit down and actuall reply to them. It would help if I checked my own journal now and then instead of just updating through Semagic.
I have a new Illyria ficlet over at
good__evil called
Life Twice Told go check it out, or even better submit your own Illyria fic.
RL has been insane, which seems to be the norm. Have new job which I am still training for plus a heap of Uni work to get done.
On the family front my Grandma came through her spinal surgery well, a few hiccups but she is home now. That is unfortunately the only good news. Last weekend my Great Uncle passed away which was one more stress I didn't need. A few weeks ago I found out my mum has cancer, after much stuffing around with the public hospital system they sent her to Townsville hospital for exploritory surgery. They got a little of it but there is a mass that is inoperable, they are sending her to Brisbane 'sometime in the next month' for 6 weeks radiation therapy. At least she will be closer to me once she arrives. Thankfully it dosen't look as though it has moved to her spine, which has been a major concern.
Ok now I've gotten my dreary update done I'm off to get ready for work