reminder - voting ends this Saturday

Dec 25, 2011 23:25

Hey guys,

Just a quick reminder that voting ends at 11:59 PM (GMT) on SATURDAY DECEMBER 31. Please make sure you enter your votes and change any draft ones over to hidden or final, if you want them counted.

Please note, this is GMT/UST, not your local time zone. You can see how much time you have left before the end of the awards by visiting and checking out the countdown clock in the upper-right corner.

Hopefully now that you have survived Christmas and perhaps have some time off work for the holidays, you will have the time to review a few MEFA stories. Consider it a pre-New Year's resolution to review a few stories this upcoming week. It's really not too late to get involved. :-)


Also, I am always looking for a few good artists who want to make banners for MEFA winners. I'll be sending out an email to the current banner-makers (and yes, Ellynn, answering your email as well! - I haven't forgotten). This year's banners are available at

and I will be setting up appropriate tags over the next few days. But in the meantime you can make banners and share them as a post to that LJ community. Banners for MEFA winners need to include the phrases "MEFA" (or "Middle-earth Fanfiction Awards"); "2011"; and need to either be tailored to a specific place and subcategory, or else have space where that can be entered. They can either use movie screencaps, your own fanart, art by other artists if you have the original artists' permission; or also use stock images like scenic ruins, landscapes, old books, or whatever.

We need people to make banners that can be customized as well as banners that are ready to be used. Also, don't forget we have the new awards, Smaug's Treasures. So don't forget about banners for that, either.


P.S.: mrowe asked for a list of categories. Here you go:

Adventure: General (8)
Alternate Universe: Angst (6)
Alternate Universe: General (8)
Character Study: Aragorn (6)
Character Study: General (11)
Character Study: Gondorians (7)
Character Study: House of Finwë (8)
Cross-Cultural: Elder Days (6)
Cross-Cultural: Eriador (10)
Cross-Cultural: General (10)
Cross-Cultural: Gondor or Rohan (11)
Cross-Cultural: The Fellowship (9)
Crossover: General (10)
Drabble: Character Study (11)
Drabble: Drama (6)
Drabble: Elves (9)
Drabble: General (7)
Drabble: Men (7)
Drabble: Post-Ring War (7)
Drabble: Pre-Ring War (7)
Drabble Series: Character Study (10)
Drabble Series: General (9)
Drabble Series: Men (8)
Drama: Angst (7)
Drama: Family (8)
Drama: Featuring Aragorn (7)
Drama: General (12)
Elves: Elronds Household (6)
Elves: General (9)
Elves: House of Finwë (8)
Elves: Wilderland (9)
Ficlet: Elder Days (7)
Ficlet: General (7)
Ficlet: Later Age Elves (6)
First Age and Prior: Feanorians (8)
First Age and Prior: General (9)
Fixed-Length Ficlets: General (6)
Fixed-Length Ficlets: Immortals (7)
Hobbits: Bagginses (7)
Hobbits: Family (6)
Hobbits: General (9)
Horror: General (8)
Humor: Comedy/Drama (7)
Humor: Featuring Merry or Pippin (6)
Humor: General (11)
Humor: Mirkwood Elves (6)
Incomplete: Cross-Cultural (6)
Incomplete: Drama (5)
Incomplete: General (8)
Men: Aragorn (6)
Men: Boromir (6)
Men: Faramir (9)
Men: General (7)
Modern Times: General (6)
Mystery: General (6)
Non-Fiction: General (9)
Other Beings: General (9)
Poetry: Character Study (6)
Poetry: Drama (6)
Poetry: General (6)
Poetry: Hobbits (7)
Poetry: Post Ring War (6)
Post-Ring War and Beyond: Elves or Dwarves (7)
Post-Ring War and Beyond: General (8)
Post-Ring War and Beyond: Gondor (8)
Pre-Ring War: General (6)
Ring War: General (6)
Romance: General (8)
Romance: Gondorians (7)
Second Age and Early Third Age: General (8)
Villains: General (6)

(The numbers are the numbers of nominations in each subcategory, because I used the check-ballot to get this list quickly. Please just ignore them.)

voting, 2011, admin, banners

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