hard to reach authors - June 19

Jun 19, 2011 16:04

Hey guys,

The following authors (a) have stories that have been nominated at least a week, and (b) have neither started their forms or contacted their liaisons to let them know they've been nominated.

Eldalie (liaison: Maethril, warriorprincess01fanficATgmailDOTcom)
Jay of Lasgalen (liaison: elliska, elliska67ATyahooDOTcom)
Permilea (liaison: elliska, elliska67ATyahooDOTcom)

If you know any of these authors, please have them get in touch with the noted liaison. If they have trouble reaching the liaison - or if they just need help logging in - have them drop me a line at supportATmefawardsDOTorg.

On a related note, I'd really like to encourage people to nominate their favorite pieces. At this moment we have 330 pieces nominated in the 2011 MEFAs, of which 181 are completely ready to compete. That may sound like a lot, but given that there's just about a week and a half to go in nominations we are lagging a bit behind previous years. Some of that is undoubtedly the fact that the Tolkien fandom has slowed down a bit as time has passed from the movies, and that's fine. But I know there's a lot of good fanfic still being produced, and I would hate for it not to be nominated. In light of that, it might be fun to give yourself a little challenge. Think of your three favorite Tolkien pieces you're read in the last year - stories, poems, essays, drabbles, whatever. Then check whether they've been nominated yet, and if not, go ahead and nominate them. It's a great way to make the author's day and contribute to the MEFAs at the same time.

Remember: nominations close at 11:59 PM GMT on June 30. If you need help getting started email me at supportATmefawardsDOTorg.

MEFA Admin.

2011, hard-to-reach authors

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