Last Author Round-Up

Jun 16, 2010 17:36

Hey guys,

Nominations ended last night. We had 615 nominations, of which 451 are completely ready to go. That's actually pretty normal, since there are a lot of last-minute nominations. But I want to do a final author round-up, to make sure all nominated authors *know* they are nominated.

Unlike with previous weeks, this includes *all* nominations, not just those that are more than a week old. This is because I don't want to risk an author missing out, since this week is their last chance to get ready to compete. So use your discretion in deciding whether to contact the author or not. If the nomination came in late and the author is an old hand at these awards, maybe they already know and just haven't had a chance to tell us they know. If on the other hand you think this author may not realize they have more to do, you may want to drop them a line.

Just to be clear: all nominations must be finalized (100% ready to compete) by 11:59 PM GMT on June 21. I highly recommend that authors --particularly authors new to the MEFAs-- try to get done by this weekend, so they have a few days to correct anything that needs correcting.

(Statuses are as of about 4 PM on 16 June.)

1. These stories have been nominated, but the author has not replied to let us know they *know* they were nominated, or begun the form.

alex_quine (liaison: aranelgoldenflower, peregrin_ionadATyahooDOTcoDOTuk)
--- 670: "The Lady" nominated by: foxrafer (csevans8) on 15 Jun 2010
--- 672: "Dance" nominated by: foxrafer (csevans8) on 15 Jun 2010

Anna Wing (liaison: Inkling, inkling-tcbsATsbcglobalDOTnet)
--- 649: "Vignettes of the Blessed Realm - Celebrimbor in Mandos" nominated by: Ithilwen on 15 Jun 2010
--- 650: "Seasons of Rivendell" nominated by: Ithilwen on 15 Jun 2010
--- 651: "Caranthir (2)" nominated by: Ithilwen on 15 Jun 2010
--- 652: "Ficlet #134" nominated by: Ithilwen on 15 Jun 2010
--- 653: "Vignettes of the Blessed Realm (1)" nominated by: Ithilwen on 15 Jun 2010
--- 654: "Untitled Caranthir Ficlet" nominated by: Ithilwen on 15 Jun 2010
--- 655: "In Which comes Sorrow Long Expected" nominated by: Ithilwen on 15 Jun 2010
--- 657: "Curufin and Celegorm Ficlet" nominated by: Ithilwen on 15 Jun 2010

Cara J. Loup (liaison: Fiondil, namondilATgmailDOTcom)
--- 514: "A Bit of Light" nominated by: Antane on 11 Jun 2010

Cuinwen (liaison: aranelgoldenflower, peregrin_ionadATyahooDOTcoDOTuk)
--- 605: "Patience Unexpected" nominated by: Elena Tiriel on 14 Jun 2010

Darth Fingon (liaison: elliska, elliska67ATyahooDOTcom)
--- 279: "Elvish Fanons and Canon Contradictions (Or, how to get those canatics off your case for stuff you were right about in the first place)" nominated by: pandemonium_213 on 22 May 2010
--- 280: "'Sindarin' is a Quenya Word: how the clan names make Elvish more confusing" nominated by: pandemonium_213 on 22 May 2010

Faenel (liaison: Dwimordene, dwimmer_laikATyahooDOTcom)
--- 427: "Brightness" nominated by: Phyncke on 05 Jun 2010

Feta (liaison: aranelgoldenflower, peregrin_ionadATyahooDOTcoDOTuk)
--- 559: "Flawed" nominated by: Russandol on 13 Jun 2010

Galadriel (liaison: elliska, elliska67ATyahooDOTcom)
--- 669: "Small Tokens" nominated by: foxrafer (csevans8) on 15 Jun 2010

Golden (liaison: Fiondil, namondilATgmailDOTcom)
--- 511: "Death and Life" nominated by: Cathleen on 10 Jun 2010

Himring (liaison: Fiondil, namondilATgmailDOTcom)
--- 628: "The Military Relevance of Sewage" nominated by: Dawn Felagund on 15 Jun 2010

Jay of Lasgalen (liaison: Cathleen, virginia_lee_redcatATyahooDOTcom)
--- 601: "The Love of Learning" nominated by: Elena Tiriel on 14 Jun 2010

jodancingtree (liaison: Cathleen, virginia_lee_redcatATyahooDOTcom)
--- 626: "The Queen's Orc" nominated by: The Lauderdale on 14 Jun 2010

j_dav (JDE) (liaison: elliska, elliska67ATyahooDOTcom)
--- 563: "Pity Us Not" nominated by: Encairion on 13 Jun 2010

KyMahalei (liaison: foxrafer (csevans8), foxraferATgmailDOTcom)
--- 675: "A Tale from the Wilderland" nominated by: Eärillë (AiedailWing) on 15 Jun 2010
--- 676: "The Song of a Friend" nominated by: Eärillë (AiedailWing) on 15 Jun 2010

laichiril (liaison: Marta,
--- 504: "Alone at Yule" nominated by: Cathleen on 10 Jun 2010

Larner (liaison: elliska, elliska67ATyahooDOTcom)
--- 585: "A Choice of Life or Death" nominated by: Eärillë (AiedailWing) on 14 Jun 2010
--- 590: "Transformation" nominated by: Elena Tiriel on 14 Jun 2010
--- 595: "A Deck of Heroes" nominated by: Alassante on 14 Jun 2010
--- 600: "Or Perchance, When the Last Little Star" nominated by: Elena Tiriel on 14 Jun 2010
--- 602: "The Research Project" nominated by: Elena Tiriel on 14 Jun 2010
--- 666: "A Pretence at Civility" nominated by: Celeritas on 15 Jun 2010

Lyra (liaison: Inkling, inkling-tcbsATsbcglobalDOTnet)
--- 616: "The Tempered Steel" nominated by: Dawn Felagund on 14 Jun 2010

Margaret Watkins (liaison: elliska, elliska67ATyahooDOTcom)
--- 348: "Sunlight" nominated by: Antane on 29 May 2010
--- 349: "An Essay on Frodo Baggins" nominated by: Antane on 29 May 2010

Marigold (liaison: elliska, elliska67ATyahooDOTcom)
--- 400: "A New Light" nominated by: grey_wonderer on 02 Jun 2010
--- 401: "Before Luck Runs Out " nominated by: grey_wonderer on 02 Jun 2010

Mirrordance (liaison: Fiondil, namondilATgmailDOTcom)
--- 456: "For Every Evil" nominated by: aranelgoldenflower on 07 Jun 2010

Mithadan (liaison: foxrafer (csevans8), foxraferATgmailDOTcom)
--- 663: "Tales from Tol Eressea" nominated by: Celeritas on 15 Jun 2010
--- 664: "Tales from Tol Eressea: Conversations in Avallone" nominated by: Celeritas on 15 Jun 2010

MithLuin (liaison: Marta,
--- 523: "Final Voyage" nominated by: Eärillë (AiedailWing) on 12 Jun 2010
--- 524: "Rebuffed" nominated by: Eärillë (AiedailWing) on 12 Jun 2010

Noliel (liaison: Dreamflower, aelfwinaATgmailDOTcom)
--- 614: "A Mighty Bridge Invisible" nominated by: Dawn Felagund on 14 Jun 2010

Rabidsamfan (liaison: Fiondil, namondilATgmailDOTcom)
--- 510: "Fourteen Days" nominated by: Kara's Aunty on 10 Jun 2010

Raniel42 (liaison: elliska, elliska67ATyahooDOTcom)
--- 149: "Boken Horses" nominated by: Mysterious Jedi on 16 May 2010

Red Lasbelin (liaison: elliska, elliska67ATyahooDOTcom)
--- 436: "Fifteen Years" nominated by: Keiliss on 06 Jun 2010

Rowan (liaison: elliska, elliska67ATyahooDOTcom)
--- 528: "From Where I Am" nominated by: Inkling on 13 Jun 2010
--- 529: "Impression" nominated by: Inkling on 13 Jun 2010
--- 532: "Sundered" nominated by: Inkling on 13 Jun 2010

the_arc5 (liaison: elliska, elliska67ATyahooDOTcom)
--- 318: "The Fabled Courtship of Elanor the Fair" nominated by: Rhapsody on 26 May 2010

tuxedo_elf (liaison: elliska, elliska67ATyahooDOTcom)
--- 474: "Once Around the Sun" nominated by: Phyncke on 09 Jun 2010

White Wolf (liaison: Dreamflower, aelfwinaATgmailDOTcom)
--- 639: "Enduring Moria" nominated by: nau_tika on 15 Jun 2010


2. For these stories, the authors have contacted their liaison but not yet begun their forms.

Ainu Laire (liaison: Linaewen, marggrenawaltATsbcglobalDOTnet)
--- 502: "Heirs of Gondor" nominated by: aranelgoldenflower on 10 Jun 2010
--- 606: "Surprises of Yule" nominated by: Cairistiona on 14 Jun 2010

Avon (liaison: foxrafer (csevans8), foxraferATgmailDOTcom)
--- 488: "Beneath Golden Leaves" nominated by: curiouswombat on 09 Jun 2010

Azalais (liaison: Dwimordene, dwimmer_laikATyahooDOTcom)
--- 576: "For This Relief Much Thanks" nominated by: Marta on 13 Jun 2010

Ellie (liaison: elliska, elliska67ATyahooDOTcom)
--- 86: "Memory of Faery" nominated by: Fiondil on 15 May 2010

Elvenson (liaison: Marta,
--- 195: "The House of Uial and the Tale of The Last son" nominated by: Elfique on 17 May 2010

Eonwe (liaison: Ithilwen, dlnevinsATearthlinkDOTnet)
--- 477: "Unrest: What Evil Fears" nominated by: Spiced Wine on 09 Jun 2010

Gloromeien (liaison: Dwimordene, dwimmer_laikATyahooDOTcom)
--- 405: "A Slaying in Scarlet" nominated by: Scarlet10 on 02 Jun 2010

j_dav (JDE) (liaison: elliska, elliska67ATyahooDOTcom)
--- 228: "I Shall Not Call the Sunbeam Bright" nominated by: Olorime on 18 May 2010

Lanyon (liaison: Dreamflower, aelfwinaATgmailDOTcom)
--- 558: "Grace" nominated by: Oshun on 13 Jun 2010
--- 560: "Oh, Mercy!" nominated by: Oshun on 13 Jun 2010

Levade (liaison: Inkling, inkling-tcbsATsbcglobalDOTnet)
--- 494: "Only the Owl Saw it All" nominated by: Cathleen on 10 Jun 2010
--- 495: "The Tinker's Tale" nominated by: Cathleen on 10 Jun 2010

Lyra (liaison: Inkling, inkling-tcbsATsbcglobalDOTnet)
--- 172: "Pillow Talk" nominated by: Elleth on 16 May 2010

Marigold (liaison: elliska, elliska67ATyahooDOTcom)
--- 298: "Worthy of the Name" nominated by: Cathleen on 23 May 2010

Nath (liaison: Dwimordene, dwimmer_laikATyahooDOTcom)
--- 607: "Not a Scholar" nominated by: Elena Tiriel on 14 Jun 2010

pippinfan88 (liaison: Dwimordene, dwimmer_laikATyahooDOTcom)
--- 307: "A Very Warm Yule" nominated by: grey_wonderer on 24 May 2010

rosethorn59 (liaison: elliska, elliska67ATyahooDOTcom)
--- 288: "Legolas the Bane of My Existence" nominated by: Sivan Shemesh on 22 May 2010

splix (liaison: aranelgoldenflower, peregrin_ionadATyahooDOTcoDOTuk)
--- 673: "King's Ransom" nominated by: foxrafer (csevans8) on 15 Jun 2010

Tehta (liaison: Dwimordene, dwimmer_laikATyahooDOTcom)
--- 205: "Mallorn Torment" nominated by: Hallbera on 17 May 2010


3. For most of these stories, the author has begun the form, but not finished it. In some cases the liaison may have spotted an error that needs correcting.

Calenlass Greenleaf (liaison: Cathleen, virginia_lee_redcatATyahooDOTcom)
--- 340: "Addiction" nominated by: Antane on 28 May 2010

Chisscientist (liaison: Linaewen, marggrenawaltATsbcglobalDOTnet)
--- 624: "The OTHER Lays of Beleriand" nominated by: Dawn Felagund on 14 Jun 2010

Dreamflower (liaison: Dreamflower, aelfwinaATgmailDOTcom)
--- 636: "To Lead His People" nominated by: Dreamflower on 15 Jun 2010

Eärillë (AiedailWing) (liaison: Dreamflower, aelfwinaATgmailDOTcom)
--- 582: "The Imperishable Flame" nominated by: Raksha the Demon on 14 Jun 2010

Ellie (liaison: elliska, elliska67ATyahooDOTcom)
--- 82: "Half-Brother" nominated by: Ellynn on 15 May 2010
--- 85: "Burden to Bear" nominated by: Fiondil on 15 May 2010
--- 516: "Kin No More" nominated by: Raksha the Demon on 11 Jun 2010
--- 525: "Wicked Thieving Elf!" nominated by: Eärillë (AiedailWing) on 12 Jun 2010
--- 526: "Lover's Leap" nominated by: Hallbera on 12 Jun 2010
--- 527: "Of Wine and Song" nominated by: Hallbera on 12 Jun 2010
--- 578: "Blessed by Fortune" nominated by: Fiondil on 14 Jun 2010

elliska (liaison: elliska, elliska67ATyahooDOTcom)
--- 247: "Interrupted Journeys: Journeys Out of Grief " nominated by: Jay of Lasgalen on 20 May 2010

Erfan Starled (liaison: Fiondil, namondilATgmailDOTcom)
--- 503: "The Moon Has Waned" nominated by: Ignoble Bard on 10 Jun 2010

Fiondil (liaison: Fiondil, namondilATgmailDOTcom)
--- 630: "Once Upon a Blizzard" nominated by: Fiondil on 15 Jun 2010
--- 562: "Tales from Vairë's Loom: Sun-in-Eclipse" nominated by: rhyselle on 13 Jun 2010
--- 566: "Tales from Vairë's Loom: The Exilic Noldo’s Guide to Coping with Post-Helcaraxë Stress Syndrome (or PHSS)" nominated by: Eärillë (AiedailWing) on 13 Jun 2010

Golden (liaison: Fiondil, namondilATgmailDOTcom)
--- 407: "Winters of Yesterday" nominated by: Pearl Took on 02 Jun 2010

Haleth (liaison: Fiondil, namondilATgmailDOTcom)
--- 164: "'Til Death Do Us Part" nominated by: Fiondil on 16 May 2010

Himring (liaison: Fiondil, namondilATgmailDOTcom)
--- 248: "A Bit of a Bore" nominated by: Lyra on 20 May 2010
--- 249: "A Long Time Falling" nominated by: Lyra on 20 May 2010
--- 251: "A Copper Band" nominated by: Hallbera on 20 May 2010
--- 252: "Eminently Unsuitable" nominated by: Hallbera on 20 May 2010
--- 283: "Looking at the Stars and Counting the Hours" nominated by: Angelica on 22 May 2010
--- 284: "Uldor" nominated by: Angelica on 22 May 2010

Jay of Lasgalen (liaison: Cathleen, virginia_lee_redcatATyahooDOTcom)
--- 212: "An Autumn Journey" nominated by: elliska on 17 May 2010
--- 213: "On The Eve Of Battle" nominated by: elliska on 17 May 2010

Jedi Sapphire (liaison: foxrafer (csevans8), foxraferATgmailDOTcom)
--- 611: "Murder in the White City" nominated by: Silivren Tinu on 14 Jun 2010
--- 613: "Perfect Happiness" nominated by: Silivren Tinu on 14 Jun 2010
--- 637: "A King in Winter" nominated by: nau_tika on 15 Jun 2010

Keiliss (liaison: Cathleen, virginia_lee_redcatATyahooDOTcom)
--- 343: "Flying Free" nominated by: Red Lasbelin on 28 May 2010
--- 344: "Turn Down an Empty Glass" nominated by: Red Lasbelin on 28 May 2010
--- 184: "The Day of the Dragon" nominated by: elfscribe on 16 May 2010

Liadan (liaison: Cathleen, virginia_lee_redcatATyahooDOTcom)
--- 289: "Morning Yearning" nominated by: Olorime on 23 May 2010

Linda Hoyland (liaison: elliska, elliska67ATyahooDOTcom)
--- 597: "Only Sleeping" nominated by: Virtuella on 14 Jun 2010
--- 335: "A Sting in the Tale" nominated by: Raksha the Demon on 28 May 2010
--- 342: "The Gift of Foresight" nominated by: Ellynn on 28 May 2010
--- 451: "Evergreen" nominated by: Inzilbeth on 07 Jun 2010
--- 500: "Harvest Dreams" nominated by: Raksha the Demon on 10 Jun 2010
--- 541: "A Mother's Hope" nominated by: Virtuella on 13 Jun 2010
--- 580: "White Tree - Harbinger" nominated by: Raksha the Demon on 14 Jun 2010
--- 583: "The Silver Tree " nominated by: juliaaurelia on 14 Jun 2010
--- 584: "Following the Star" nominated by: juliaaurelia on 14 Jun 2010

Lyra (liaison: Inkling, inkling-tcbsATsbcglobalDOTnet)
--- 156: "The Embalmer's Apprentice" nominated by: Elleth on 16 May 2010
--- 170: "Different Terms" nominated by: Elleth on 16 May 2010

Marta (liaison: Marta,
--- 299: "For All Things, A Time" nominated by: elliska on 23 May 2010

Mortizya (liaison: Ithilwen, dlnevinsATearthlinkDOTnet)
--- 232: "Little Tolkien" nominated by: kitt_otter on 18 May 2010

MrKinch (liaison: elliska, elliska67ATyahooDOTcom)
--- 437: "BONES FOUND ON POSH ESTATE" nominated by: Elleth on 06 Jun 2010

Nieriel Raina (liaison: Ithilwen, dlnevinsATearthlinkDOTnet)
--- 449: "The Last Gift" nominated by: Nieriel Raina on 07 Jun 2010

Raksha the Demon (liaison: Inkling, inkling-tcbsATsbcglobalDOTnet)
--- 594: "Small Victories" nominated by: Alassante on 14 Jun 2010
--- 332: "Libation" nominated by: Linda Hoyland on 28 May 2010
--- 333: "Ranger's Dawn" nominated by: Linda Hoyland on 28 May 2010
--- 345: "After the Hour of Doom" nominated by: Gandalfs apprentice on 28 May 2010
--- 8: "Hearts in Stone" nominated by: Linda Hoyland on 15 May 2010
--- 360: "Expectations" nominated by: Gandalfs apprentice on 29 May 2010
--- 38: "Reach for the Stars" nominated by: Linda Hoyland on 15 May 2010
--- 659: "Fosterage" nominated by: Mysterious Jedi on 15 Jun 2010
--- 62: "Riding the Fire" nominated by: Virtuella on 15 May 2010
--- 96: "The Tower" nominated by: Ellynn on 15 May 2010
--- 499: "Filling the Breach" nominated by: Linda Hoyland on 10 Jun 2010
--- 102: "The Battle of the Kitchen" nominated by: Radbooks on 15 May 2010
--- 517: "Pilgrimage" nominated by: Linda Hoyland on 11 Jun 2010
--- 237: "Looking For Dragons" nominated by: Linda Hoyland on 19 May 2010
--- 581: "The Eye of the Beholder" nominated by: Linda Hoyland on 14 Jun 2010

Soledad (liaison: aranelgoldenflower, peregrin_ionadATyahooDOTcoDOTuk)
--- 378: "Felagund and the Noegyth Nibin" nominated by: Lissas Elves on 30 May 2010

The Lauderdale (liaison: Dwimordene, dwimmer_laikATyahooDOTcom)
--- 618: "Treed" nominated by: ebbingnight on 14 Jun 2010

viv (liaison: Dreamflower, aelfwinaATgmailDOTcom)
--- 509: "Better Things to Do" nominated by: viv on 10 Jun 2010

Ygrain (liaison: Linaewen, marggrenawaltATsbcglobalDOTnet)
--- 608: "Crude Material" nominated by: Elena Tiriel on 14 Jun 2010


4. For these stories the author has done everything they need to - for the moment. They still need to be checked by volunteers, and so authors should be on the look-out for emails from us. If there is a problem, we will change the status back to "Author has begun but not finished form," and the story won't be able to compete unless you fix the problem by June 21.

agape4gondor (liaison: Marta,
--- 631: "Ten Thousand Years Will Not Suffice" nominated by: Linaewen on 15 Jun 2010

Antigone Q (liaison: Linaewen, marggrenawaltATsbcglobalDOTnet)
--- 446: "A Light in May" nominated by: Thundera Tiger on 07 Jun 2010

Azalais (liaison: Dwimordene, dwimmer_laikATyahooDOTcom)
--- 435: " What The Lightning Said: 20th June 3018, Minas Tirith" nominated by: curiouswombat on 06 Jun 2010
--- 479: "Before the Black Gate, Second Age 3434" nominated by: Clodia on 09 Jun 2010

Calenlass Greenleaf (liaison: Cathleen, virginia_lee_redcatATyahooDOTcom)
--- 338: "Obsession" nominated by: Antane on 28 May 2010
--- 339: "Corruption" nominated by: Antane on 28 May 2010

Elleth (liaison: Dwimordene, dwimmer_laikATyahooDOTcom)
--- 617: "The Vessel" nominated by: Dawn Felagund on 14 Jun 2010

Isabeau of Greenlea (liaison: Dreamflower, aelfwinaATgmailDOTcom)
--- 591: "Fifteen Hot Haradrim" nominated by: Elena Tiriel on 14 Jun 2010
--- 592: "To the Crossroads" nominated by: Elena Tiriel on 14 Jun 2010
--- 593: "Firebug" nominated by: Elena Tiriel on 14 Jun 2010

Maeglin (liaison: foxrafer (csevans8), foxraferATgmailDOTcom)
--- 440: "Not so like Luthien, After All" nominated by: Raksha the Demon on 07 Jun 2010

Marta (liaison: Marta,
--- 610: "Behind Blue Eyes" nominated by: Marta on 14 Jun 2010
--- 612: "In Vino Veritas" nominated by: Marta on 14 Jun 2010

Mysterious Jedi (liaison: Inkling, inkling-tcbsATsbcglobalDOTnet)
--- 656: "Two Copper Pennies" nominated by: Mysterious Jedi on 15 Jun 2010
--- 658: "Caught Between" nominated by: Mysterious Jedi on 15 Jun 2010

Nerdanel (liaison: Linaewen, marggrenawaltATsbcglobalDOTnet)
--- 442: "The Pathway of Dreams II" nominated by: Dreamflower on 07 Jun 2010

Phyncke (liaison: Dwimordene, dwimmer_laikATyahooDOTcom)
--- 638: "The Morning Fog" nominated by: tuxedo_elf on 15 Jun 2010

Raksha the Demon (liaison: Inkling, inkling-tcbsATsbcglobalDOTnet)
--- 60: "Seasons of Gladness" nominated by: Virtuella on 15 May 2010

Sivan Shemesh (liaison: Dwimordene, dwimmer_laikATyahooDOTcom)
--- 619: "The End?" nominated by: Sivan Shemesh on 14 Jun 2010

Soledad (liaison: aranelgoldenflower, peregrin_ionadATyahooDOTcoDOTuk)
--- 366: "All alone in the Night" nominated by: Lissas Elves on 30 May 2010
--- 369: "Cold Comfort" nominated by: Makamu on 30 May 2010
--- 370: "The Joys of a Beard" nominated by: Makamu on 30 May 2010
--- 371: "Shieldbrothers" nominated by: Makamu on 30 May 2010
--- 377: "A Brotherly Gift" nominated by: Lissas Elves on 30 May 2010
--- 378: "Felagund and the Noegyth Nibin" nominated by: Lissas Elves on 30 May 2010
--- 379: "Little Bird" nominated by: Lissas Elves on 30 May 2010

The Lauderdale (liaison: Dwimordene, dwimmer_laikATyahooDOTcom)
--- 603: "A Question of Dialect" nominated by: Elena Tiriel on 14 Jun 2010


2010, hard-to-reach

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